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Donald Baker replied to the topic "Kash Patel Taking Over ATF Today" – 3 weeks, 6 days ago
@phidippides It would be a start. But then they would need to do the same for WACO since that siege ended in fruitless mass deaths. Of course, I can see many hardcore prepper types dismissing any apologies choosing rather to… Read more»
Phidippides replied to the topic "Kash Patel Taking Over ATF Today" – 4 weeks, 1 day ago
What would you think if Kash Patel had the ATF issue a formal apology over Ruby Ridge?
Donald Baker posted a new topic "Kash Patel Taking Over ATF Today" – 4 weeks, 1 day ago
With Patel taking over ATF along with his FBI Director duties, is this a good thing for gun owners and gun shops? My first reaction would be to say yes. I don’t think he will change much as far as… Read more»
Donald Baker replied to the topic "Greatest two weeks in modern political history?" – 1 month ago
Yes because they have figured out that it is better if you can’t beat’em; join’em so that at least you have some input in the changes rather than keep getting steamrolled. James Carville admitted as much no less. You could… Read more»
Phidippides replied to the topic "Greatest two weeks in modern political history?" – 1 month, 1 week ago
I can see your point if you think the Overton window needs time to adjust. However, I do think it’s adjusting already, simply because the hot topics in the current news cycle now are spending and waste. Heck, even Democrats… Read more»