Here is LegacyArmory’s top 10 list of best firearms manufacturers in the world. See if you agree with our list.
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Author: Donald Baker
I am a gun enthusiast from Kentucky. My father introduced me to the joy of collecting and shooting fine firearms. I hold a B.A. in History from the University of Kentucky and an M.B.A. from the University of Louisville. I love to read historical works and watch college sports.
About Post Author
Donald Baker
I am a gun enthusiast from Kentucky. My father introduced me to the joy of collecting and shooting fine firearms. I hold a B.A. in History from the University of Kentucky and an M.B.A. from the University of Louisville. I love to read historical works and watch college sports.
Your company didn’t make our list? Let us know about it and why you think it should be there and who you think should drop out.
Colt just went down a notch or two in my book now that they are no longer going to manufacture AR-15s for the general public. They cite that the market is sufficiently satisfied by other manufacturers so they can concentrate on fulfilling their military and law enforcement contracts. Seems just like an excuse to get out of the gun control debate which is in effect taking a side by default. Shame on you Colt!