Donald Baker

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  • Donald Baker


The Significance and Historical Impact of the Maxim Machine Gun

The Significance and Historical Impact of the Maxim Machine Gun The Maxim machine gun represented a significant leap forward in firearms technology. Its innovative design was...

Tactical Lever-Action Rifles: Best Of The New Old School

Tactical Lever-Action Rifles: Best Of The New Old School When legislation or personal preferences steer a shooter away from a semi-auto carbine, it’s time to...

Colt Python: A Classic Revolver with a Modern Twist

The Colt Python is one of the most iconic revolvers in history. It was first introduced in 1955 as a premium handgun for target shooting,...

Exploring Anchutz Rifles: Precision and Performance

Anschutz rifles offer unparalleled precision and performance for competitive shooting. From Olympic gold medals to world records, these rifles have proven themselves time and time...

Unpacking the Mystery: Assault Rifles 101

You hear politicians decry the use of "assault rifles." Just what is an assault rifle? Read on and find out. … Continue readingUnpacking the Mystery:...

Legendary Sniper Vasily Zaitsev: The Marksman Who Changed History

In the annals of warfare, few have left as indelible a mark as legendary sniper Vasily Zaitsev. From the heights of Stalingrad to the forests...

Sharpshooting with the Dragunov: A Joyful Introduction!

Target shooting has never been more fun than with the Dragunov! This rifle is the perfect introduction to sharpshooting. … Continue readingSharpshooting with the Dragunov:...

Ukraine’s New Reality

Enter Putin's reality. NATO now existed in Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia--three former Soviet republics directly touching Russian soil. The safety of a buffer region between...

The Twilight of America

J. Hector St. John De Crevecoueur wrote in his seminal work Letters From An American Farmer: What then is the American, this new man?…He is...
Legacy Armory