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Bloomberg Is Toast

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Illustrious Member Admin
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He got roasted alive Friday night especially by Warren.  He might as well drop out now and save himself a lot of money.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Could be but think about it - many people watched the debate, while many did not.  If he's plastering 10x as many ads as the next closest competitor, he'll get a lot more eyeballs on videos of him that portray him as a competent professional.

What will be interesting is to see is what happens as we get closer to the Democratic Convention.  Who ends up getting the nomination if no one has enough votes by the time they get to Milwaukee? 

On one hand, a huge chunk of potential-Democrat voters would freak out to give the green light to having Bernie Sanders as the nominee.  On the other hand, a huge chunk of the Democratic base would go ballistic to find that their populist choice was being cast aside in favor of the person who bought his way in.

We may be witnessing the implosion of the Democratic party over the next several months because of this.  These are interesting times....

Illustrious Member Admin
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I hope the Democratic Party self destructs and is rebuilt by the more sane moderates who used to run the party years ago.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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@donaldbaker Then where would the growing extreme left go?  They're the ones who a) are the heart and soul of the party b) pack the stadiums c) are young and energetic d) would annihilate those who disagree if they got total power e) all of the above.


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Posted by: @phidippides

@donaldbaker Then where would the growing extreme left go?  They're the ones who a) are the heart and soul of the party b) pack the stadiums c) are young and energetic d) would annihilate those who disagree if they got total power e) all of the above.


They are also the ones who don't actually make it to the polls traditionally, and have less monetary influence with the key powerbrokers.  They might get shoved to the side anyway.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I heard yesterday that Bloomberg has topped out in California at around 15%.  If he can't make bigger gains there, I don't know that he'll be able to get the nomination.  However, his money is just so powerful.  I've already seen or heard several of his ads in various places.  It's amazing how much political influence money can get you.

Illustrious Member Admin
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@phidippides Yes he can buy almost anything but a good name and a higher IQ lol. 😀 


Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Illustrious Member Admin
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After watching the last Democratic Presidential Candidate debate, I think Biden is the most electable of the bunch...not that would be saying much.  He showed a firm backbone when he was being ignored and cutoff by the moderators.  I actually liked how stern and forceful he sounded.  Too bad he has dementia and is a liberal.  Oh well...

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Interesting because I think his constant yelling is a turn off.  At first it sounds like he's being authoritative, but once you hear him do it again and again it makes him look like a crank.  I agree that he's the most electable of the Democrats, but this is by default - he's neither a filthy rich tycoon who's trying to buy the election, and he's not an extreme socialist who would railroad the economy, and most importantly, he has the backing of the Establishment.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Still the DNC would rather Biden not be the nominee if someone better can be found. 

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.



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