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Should Maxine Waters Be Impeached? Poll is created on Apr 19, 2021


Maxine Waters

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Is she inciting violence with her warning to the Minneapolis courts to find Derek Chauvin guilty?  Should she be removed from office for her threatening comments of taking to the streets if a guilty verdict is not reached?  I think she should be censured by the House at the very least, but impeachment should also be considered. What do you think?

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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It's a high legal standard to reach incitement, and considering that she predicated her statements that people should get "confrontational" based on the verdict, her clip doesn't suggest "imminent" lawlessness.

With that said, wow.  Just wow.  Based on the Trump standard, perhaps she should be impeached for what she said.  For a member of Congress to demand a certain verdict is highly alarming, and to couch it in terms like she did, is very disturbing. 

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I think it can be demonstrated that she has repeatedly done this kind of thing and therefore shows a pattern of misconduct unbecoming a member of the House of Representatives.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Yes, in that sense, I agree.  She has in the past pushed harmful rhetoric which basically begs for at least a censure.  Since impeachments are done for political reasons, that might be appropriate as well, even if she didn't technically incite any violence (yet).

I'm of the legal view that for a person to trigger incitement under Brandenburg v. Ohio, one's language really has to be closely and causally linked to the potential for violence.  We should really be conservative when nailing people for unlawful speech via incitement claims because of the First Amendment.  Striking down speech should not be a thing we just do casually.  The left overplayed its hand by claiming that Trump incited the riot in January, so I think that the right should hesitate to accuse Maxine Waters of incitement just yet.

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Phid, there comes a time when Conservatives will need to stop playing by the rules if they ever want to win the ideological war with the Left.  The Left has already shown it will do whatever it takes to gain and hold onto power.  It's like Superman not using all of his might to defeat a powerful enemy he is more powerful than.  He will do just enough to subdue his enemy, but not annihilate him.  Conservatives cannot just subdue liberalism, it must be destroyed.  I understand that it might be impossible to completely eradicate liberalism, but we should fight with the intention of doing so to ensure Leftists never seize control of this nation.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Donnie, I'm of the view that it's already a lost cause.  The game is over.  The American experiment has failed, and we should spend some time thinking why it did.  You are right that the left does what it takes to gain and hold power, but I think conservatives should not stoop to their level in response, which would cause a complete downward spiral and not do us much good.  Instead, I say we should focus on breaking apart and starting over.  

Think of it - if conservatives start playing the dirtiest of games the way the left is doing it, what would it accomplish?  Nothing but further division and fighting, AND depending on how dirty we fight, we might also become one of the "bad guys".  We'd then have to break up at the end anyway. 

So rather than postponing the inevitable, I say we retain our integrity, take our ball, and stop playing the game with the left.

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I was under the impression the Civil War made secession impossible now.  If states secede, they do so at their own peril.  A constitutional convention would need to be held to change the current structure of the Union.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I think that the illegality of secession was Lincoln's view, but I'm not sure this was ever decided by SCOTUS.  And let's face it - if a block of 20 states wanted to secede because they didn't consent to being governed by the union, would it be worth it to force them to remain? 

Ok, so you got me doing a little digging, and it appears that SCOTUS has not squarely decided the issue of secession legality.  In fact, it is argued that this is why Jefferson Davis was never tried for treason; the Union didn't want to have the courts to possibly recognize it as legal if Davis successfully argued that he wasn't a traitor because the Confederacy wasn't technically part of the U.S.  Now in Texas v. White (1869), SCOTUS did say that secession was not legal, but it sounds like this was more of an ancillary declaration which means it doesn't hold a lot of weight and that the issue is still unresolved.

But I think you're right that this would have to be a voluntary break-up through something like a constitutional convention.  That would be the most peaceful way of proceeding.

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Maxine is pathetic, miserable, and a horrible racist.  Her and Pelosi's (and most of the democrats for that matter) are totally responsible for the division in this country.  They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law but, sadly, they never will.



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