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The Road to Civil War 2024

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I do agree with that.  It seems that the desire to end America, and the general, democratic order of the West, seems to be the objective.  We saw how frustrated the elites became during COVID when people pushed back against their agenda, so it's not a stretch to conclude that they think democracy is just too inconvenient for their purposes.

Because of this, I think their preferred form of government would need to be totalitarian, and atheistic Communism seems most compatible with their aims.  If they leave any room for true democracy, people will most likely revolt against their will, and that is something they cannot tolerate.

Illustrious Member Admin
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What they (closet communist globalists) need is a world war, super pandemic, or cosmic event that will upturn the current world order so that people will clamor for security and order with no qualms as to how it is achieved. Order out of chaos.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Agree.  They need something akin to the Reichstag fire to consolidate power.  I think they realize that this can only be accomplished if the masses believe they're doing it for the "good of society", so I expect heavy propaganda being used to convince people to hand over all sorts of basic rights so the new government can further its agenda.  Going back to the COVID example, think of how many people rationalized the forgoing of rights in the name of "safety".

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Well, now we're back to Biden digging his heals rather than bowing out of the race.  I heard that Jill and Hunter Biden seem to have strict control on access to Joe, so if this is true, it seems like we're just in a bad, bad spot as a country.  Of course, this benefits Trump the longer Biden stays in, but it means we're basically the world's greatest superpower, run by a shadow government, or even a "family" if you will.

I also thought I heard that Democrats may not to put Kamala Harris out there if they think Trump will win anyway.  This saves her political career for a possible 2028 run.  This seems absurd given that there's no real way she could become the Democratic nominee in the future (too many unlikables), but I guess some Democrats might think she still has a shot.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Biden will stay in long enough to secure a deal for Hunter and a kickback for himself in whatever form it would be.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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So I'm thinking now that we're headed for the ripest of conditions that could lead to a civil war, which (not surprisingly) is the election.  The catalyst for this would be a Trump loss.  Given that Trump has such a strong upper-hand right now, and Democrats are in such a hole (predictions of a Trump landslide are being floated), just imagine what would happen if Trump doesn't pull this off.  When you consider how Democrats are trying to loosen voter ID laws, and with what happened in the 2020 election, people on the right will simply lose all confidence in the system if Trump loses.  That would lead to conclusions that we're living under shadow authoritarianism, which very well could be a catalyst for widespread rebellion.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Shadow Authoritarian Government....hmmm has a catchy ring to it. 🤓  The thing is there are powers and principalities behind those in the shadows in the spirit realm who are the ones pulling the strings.  But their time is short.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Well they tried to kill Trump.  God thwarted their attempt.  We literally were 1 inch away from civil war if Trump hadn't moved his head when he did.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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You can only imagine what this would have done.  The right would have seen its candidate face injustice after injustice, including by the media, the Deep State, and even through really intense lawfare, and to get through all of that to become the presumptive next president.  And all of this would have been ended in a split second, and Joe Biden (likely the worst president of all time) would have coasted to re-election.

This would have set off something massive in our country.

I was actually about 15 miles away from where this took place this past weekend (we were visiting wife's family in PA).  In fact, we had talked about going to the rally but in the end opted not to.  My in-laws had some connections to people in this story, including the poor man who was killed. 

Crazy times.

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If you had to draw a parallel between today and the U.S. Civil War, what year would our current political climate put is at?  1850?  1855?  1859?

Have we reached the point of Bleeding Kansas or not?

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