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Dr. Naomi Wolf Essay On The Return Of The Gods

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Illustrious Member Admin
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Well worth the read.

Have the Ancient Gods Returned? (substack.com)

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Honorable Member Admin
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That's a very interesting thesis and I think she's on to something, although I think she may need some supporting evidence to show how it has played out more broadly.  For example, has there been a significant growth of belief in or following of the pagan gods in recent years?  Or have artists always been toying with these themes for decades?

Also, early on she emphasized a significant shift that took place around 2020 that seemed to coincide with COVID and the vaccine mandates.  I wasn't exactly sure how that played into the argument of the revival of ancient paganism in modern life.

Illustrious Member Admin
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I think her main point was that too much started happening in a coordinated way that would be beyond human capabilities on a global scale without the direction of a higher more sophisticated power directing things.  I think she is very close on the mark in this regard.  Until now, technology has been too limited, especially in communication and data transmission, for nations to effectively plan social agendas on a mass global scale.  But now, we see nations all over the world fighting Covid 19, Climate Change, and seeking sustainability policies such as green energy and reducing carbon footprints.  Spiritual entities must have been biding their time waiting for mankind to achieve a level of technological sophistication that they could employ to organize planet wide changes that otherwise would have taken generations to accomplish.  Just think, we are on the verge of Blockchain currencies and Artificial Intelligence that will create a new societal paradigm where authoritarian control will thrive.  The devil must certainly be licking his chops on these new tools he can use against us.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.



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