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Is Trump caving or....
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Is Trump caving or....?

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....is he being a political genius right now with the apparent changing of his mind concerning mask usage?  At first I thought he was caving, but if he really was he would have made a national edict for masks?  Right?

BTW, have you guys seen this interview on 60 minutes with Fauci?  I think it aired in May. This is seriously messed up. Progressives and those others who always preach "follow the science" or "listen to the experts" are the dumbest people ever.

Illustrious Member Admin
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I will check it out.  But I really feel something more sinister is heading our way and this whole thing has been a setup like some sort of beta test to see how we will respond to lock down conditions and submission to authorities..

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Yes.  Like for climate change "emergencies".  That's a scary thought.

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Wow that's kind of a crazy clip of Fauci.  I'll have to use it on Twitter when I go up against leftists.

To be honest, the way masks became politicized from both sides is pretty stupid.  On the right, there are people who claim it's  a "sign of submission" and refuse to wear them.  On the left, people act as if masks are a matter of life and death, and of course there are the mask laws now.

My view has been that they might make a 5% difference or so, but they might also cause people to get closer in public than the otherwise would, which counteracts the benefit.  It's more of a psychological thing, or so it seems.  They don't help much, but they don't hurt.

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Here's another one you can use.  The President got "blocked" and DJT, Jr just got banned from Twitter for speaking positively about hydroxychloroquine.  Guess Twitter knows more than these experts.




Honorable Member Admin
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That's a good link.  I did notice some doctor's site got suspended from using Squarespace recently, I think for touting hydroxychloroquine. 

We're in an age when tech companies pressure people to conform to official groupthink.  It starts out small enough and then broadens.  First, they target people engaged in racist views, and of course no one cares about protecting free speech because they don't want to defend racists.  Then, they target the NRA as a way of getting back at someone for mass shootings, and people don't step up.  Now, they're targeting different viewpoints.  I saw Twitter is suspending discussion about Qanon, which is a conspiracy theory which I don't give any credence to, but which seems harmless enough.

I wonder which one of our ideas tech companies will be targeting next.  We're entering a scary age.



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