Tactical Discussion Boards

Donald Baker
Illustrious Member
Loaded Rounds: 2157
Joined: Aug 11, 2019
Last seen: Mar 15, 2025
Topics: 166 / Replies: 488
RE: Outline Of A Coup Attempt

It all points to Trump signaling that he isn't going to concede power until he absolutely has to. He might even be considering the Insurrection Act i...

4 years ago
RE: So Trump Is Shaking Up The Pentagon

Yes it's going to get ugly. Trump is an alpha male with a Director's personality type. He doesn't like to lose probably because he usually wins. He...

4 years ago
RE: So Trump Is Saying He Might Not Accept The Election Results

It amazes me how eerily accurate our analysis was in this thread nearly four months ago. We saw this coming, and still here we are. Absolutely aston...

4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 478
RE: Listen To A Man Who Knows What's Coming

What do armies do in the early stages of battle? They cut the line of communication so the enemy can't organize and disseminate their battle plan. ...

4 years ago
RE: Election 2020

I think Trump has the evidence to flip the election and they know it. The Dems are trying to run out the clock.

4 years ago
RE: Listen To A Man Who Knows What's Coming

It is inevitable that America will turn Socialist now. The Left has no fear of repercussions while the Right still tries to play by the rules. The L...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 819
RE: Election 2020

Make no mistake, the Democrats have one goal, and that is one party rule. As they continually move further to the Left, their willingness to usurp po...

4 years ago
RE: Election 2020

Phid, I think your timetable might be too far out. At the rate the Leftist cancer is growing...festering...this nation might not last out this decade...

4 years ago
RE: Outline Of A Coup Attempt

What I fear the most is the likelihood that Republicans will abandon Trump to fight this battle on his own. We cannot help him win the court battles....

4 years ago
RE: Outline Of A Coup Attempt

Let God judge this nation for its stupidity.

4 years ago
RE: Outline Of A Coup Attempt

Isn't it amazing how eerily similar the voting patterns are in the graphic you posted? Like both were scripted? Unbelievable.

4 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 530
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