Tactical Discussion Boards

Honorable Member
Loaded Rounds: 1681
Joined: Aug 19, 2019
Last seen: Mar 14, 2025
Topics: 67 / Replies: 421
RE: Book recommendation?

That's an interesting thesis, but it seems to presuppose that mankind has evolved morally. I think that's a debatable premise. I mentioned somewhere...

4 years ago
RE: Book recommendation?

And to think that they might not have been the most brutal regime to exist....

4 years ago
RE: Does America Go Back To Normal?

Does it seem like we have turned a corner with the pandemic? Are we on the road to "normalizing" once again, or is this a false positive? More and ...

4 years ago
RE: Gun explosion

Do you know the guy? I know, I know - all people from Kentucky know each other. 😀

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 689
RE: George Floyd/Derrick Chauvin Trial

Here are my views on it. First, this case is way too wrapped up in politics which makes it hard to know which resolution is just. It's simply rid...

4 years ago
RE: Maxine Waters

I think that the illegality of secession was Lincoln's view, but I'm not sure this was ever decided by SCOTUS. And let's face it - if a block of 20 s...

4 years ago
RE: What happens when the tipping point is reached?

Black pills matter pic.twitter.com/tQ5izmJlCJ — Taylor Day (@TABYTCHI) April 21, 2021 Do you agree with the views of the meme above or not? I thi...

4 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 736
RE: Maxine Waters

Donnie, I'm of the view that it's already a lost cause. The game is over. The American experiment has failed, and we should spend some time thinking...

4 years ago
RE: Maxine Waters

Yes, in that sense, I agree. She has in the past pushed harmful rhetoric which basically begs for at least a censure. Since impeachments are done fo...

4 years ago
RE: Maxine Waters

It's a high legal standard to reach incitement, and considering that she predicated her statements that people should get "confrontational" based on t...

4 years ago
RE: Russian bounty story increasingly appearing to have been fake

I have to think we're at a breaking point with the "trust the experts" line. The Russian bounty scandal - which really ought to be investigated by Co...

4 years ago
RE: Do You Feel Sorry For Joe Biden?

Yeah but don't you think that there would be so many easier ways to undermine someone than this? Giving a VP a job with the hope that she fails sound...

4 years ago
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