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Did we underestimate the threat of transgenderism?

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Honorable Member Admin
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When transgender issues came on the scene years ago, should we have recognized the looming threat that it would pose?  In 2016 the NBA moved its all star game out of North Carolina in response to a law which kept biological men out of women's bathrooms.  Despite what seemed like an excessively common sense law, the trans lobby was upset, and the corporate world backed them up. 

This should have been a warning to us all.  I think many people may dismiss trans issues as a relatively harmless, personal choice matter, but it's blown up quickly over the past few years.

Today, my Twitter feed presents me with a constant stream of the most perverted, absurd takes by trans-activists and the like.  Children as being castrated and mutilated as a response in order to have their sexual organs modified, which will no doubt lead to everlasting harm.  And not only that, but they are known to pressure corporations into bending to their will, which makes their trans-ideology all the more powerful.

While all of this is already bad enough, perhaps the single greatest threat of transgenderism is the assault on objective truth itself.  They deny what is real and is true and replace it with what is subjective and "nuanced" in order to reach their "own truth" (which isn't truth at all).

I learned this recently after getting into some Twitter debates with people who appear on the surface to be knowledgeable.  However, by asking one question, I was able to expose them for the fraudulent ideology that they possess.  The question I ask is this:

"Scientifically speaking, is Leah Thomas a man or a woman?"

If you do that, you will see all the hemming and hawing in the world, the rejection of the clear science, and the abandonment of objective truth.  Theirs is a dangerous, dangerous ideology, and it's growing and growing.

Illustrious Member Admin
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We are living in an age where good is evil and evil is good and men believe fables rather than the truth.  I don't think we underestimated the transgender movement.  I think we are just apathetic now because we've seen just about every weird and crazy thing under the sun.  We shrug our shoulders and move on to the next stupid societal trend.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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@donaldbaker I think what really gets me, though, is that it's pretty much a universal cultural trait for people to be on guard against sexual predators who go after children, or even the sexualization of children.  Within a matter of years, though, it seems like the cultural paradigm has shifted so that many in society - including some parents(!) - are actually welcoming the sexualization of really young kids.  Just a few years ago you might have thought that you could call child/protective services on adults who do that.  However, today you almost expect that the authorities would yawn if they heard that a teacher wanted to "explore sexuality" with his students, or if a class went on a field trip to a drag show.

Oh, and a lot of this has only come up in the last few years because the door was already open thanks to gay marriage.  So many people - including "conservatives" -  shrugged off gay marriage.  Today the chickens are coming home to roost as we see the logical effects of abandoning traditional sexual mores.




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