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Greatest two weeks in modern political history?

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Honorable Member Admin
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Since Trump's inauguration, he's been on a rampage, undoing all sorts of damage and restoring some sense of sanity to our federal government.  With help from Elon Musk, it seems like waste and abuse are being exposed regularly, and Trump has shown a willingness to drop the hatchet as needed.  When I think of this, it seems like this may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the system to be corrected.  Maybe it can't be entirely corrected, but at the very least it's a jolt of temporary correction.

Could this be the greatest few weeks in recent American history?  Perhaps... 

Illustrious Member Admin
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Could very well be.  Exciting times we are living in.  However, the term rampage is very accurate.  It's because he is rampaging, I feel a little concern.  I want the reforms to our government of course, but I never expected a blitzkrieg like this.  I wonder if it would be prudent for Trump and Elon to slow down a tad and let us all catch our breath.  Too much change too quickly can be just as dangerous as doing nothing.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I can see your point if you think the Overton window needs time to adjust.  However, I do think it's adjusting already, simply because the hot topics in the current news cycle now are spending and waste.  Heck, even Democrats are getting in on the game, claiming that they want to cut waste as well. 


Illustrious Member Admin
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Yes because they have figured out that it is better if you can't beat'em; join'em so that at least you have some input in the changes rather than keep getting steamrolled.  James Carville admitted as much no less.  You could call it the Trump Effect.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.



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