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Outline Of A Coup Attempt

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Illustrious Member Admin
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What is transpiring in Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Minnesota is nothing other than a blatant coup attempt - maybe even a revolution - against a duly re-elected President of the United States.  The fifth column media outlets would have us to believe:

  • A man in mental decline who has used his drug/sex addict son to funnel millions of dollars of corrupt foreign money from the Ukraine and China into his personal bank accounts, has received the most votes in US election history with absolutely no evidence of voter fraud.
  • That a man who can barely get 150 people to show up at his political rallies has more popular support than an incumbent President who routinely has crowds of 20000 - 30000 plus attend his rallies everywhere he goes including liberal bastions such as Beverly Hills, California.
  • That a sitting incumbent President, who has increased his vote totals from the last Presidential election even among minorities who traditionally vote Democrat, is losing to a man who has failed miserably in previous bids to be the Democratic nominee while in the prime of his political career.
  • That hundreds of thousands of votes that appeared in the late hours of the night - 100% all going to one candidate - all in Democratically controlled so-called "Battleground" states - are legitimate and not to be questioned in the slightest.
  • That nothing is wrong with state officials deciding to stop vote counting in states that have significant Trump leads only to later see the infusion of aforementioned "missing" ballots that all go to Biden and Trump's vote tally does not change by even one vote.
  • That any mention of voter fraud by the many emerging whistleblowers is not to be believed.
  • That calling a state for a candidate who, at the time, was 300000 votes down with less than a third of the votes counted was the right call from their so-called "Decision Desk."
  • That Trump should stand down and accept this outrage and "be Presidential" and "have the dignity" to lose with honor when the very same people cheered Al Gore on when he was taking his election challenge all the way to the Supreme Court.

What I'm describing here is the greatest threat to the United States of America since the Civil War.  Our election process has been so compromised that nobody in their right minds will ever trust it again.  How can they?  States like Kentucky, Indiana, Alabama, Nebraska, Iowa, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah etc...have had no problems getting their votes counted and a winner declared without any dispute.  Yet, states like Georgia, North Carolina, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Nevada are having a devil of a time keeping track of ballots and for some reason, continue to drag out their voting process.  The only difference in these states are they are run by Democrat machines and in Arizona's case, by the McCain family who absolutely hates Trump.  Only a blind fool (or a Biden stooge) would not be able to see how fraudulent this election is.  How illegitimate it is.  How utterly ridiculous it is.

The very fabric of our nation is being ripped apart right before our very eyes.  We are being forced to watch the greatest election heist ever in a free world nation in all of history.  What can we compare it to?  The Night of the Long Knives in Germany?  The Gunpowder Plot in England?  The storming of the Bastille in France?  No.  The shenanigans we are witnessing in America, are far worse.  Why?  Because out of all of the nations that have proclaimed to be free and a beacon of hope, things like what we are seeing now should never happen.  In the past, even when our leaders disagreed, we usually worked things out thus allowing our great experiment in democracy to go on...maturing...improving...even when threatened or challenged.  Even our past social sins such as slavery, Jim Crow, and Manifest Destiny, have been acknowledged as wrong and corrected.  We owned our failings.  Now we have one political party blatantly doing whatever it takes to regain power.  The Founding Fathers would shriek in agony if they were alive to witness this disaster.  Many of them would say the Liberty Tree was in dire need of watering...patriots know what I'm talking about here...and it saddens my heart to admit they may indeed be correct.  But no matter what, the America you and I have known and loved, died on November 3, 2020.  The battle is now on to save whatever is left of her.  God help us all.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Wow - very well outlined!  You did a great job of explaining the situation as it currently stands.  I'm sure that your sentiments are shared by many, many people.  It's really hard to know what to think at this point.  When one party controls the major channels of mass communication and Big Tech, and has access to the well-funded donor class, not to mention deep state/entrenched bureaucrats, it's hard to oppose them.  I don't know what will happen next, but Trump is willing to stand and fight. 


Illustrious Member Admin
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Isn't it amazing how eerily similar the voting patterns are in the graphic you posted?  Like both were scripted?  Unbelievable.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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And overnight, Biden has just barely squeaked by Georgia and Pennsylvania in votes as they have dribbled in, three days after the election.  The sad thing is that once the votes are counted, it's an uphill battle showing that fraud has occurred within the few days before those votes need to be certified. 

And to make matters worse, Georgia will have two Senate seats up for vote in January.  If the Dems are able to get to 50, they'll have control of Congress, and Biden's court packing plan - which the media allowed him to get away with - can then proceed.  Goodbye to our Republic.

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Let God judge this nation for its stupidity.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I think this is in Detroit.  (hope you guys can view it before Facebook deletes it.

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I think the thing that is most mind-boggling is how the utter lack of enthusiasm for Joe Biden could have translated into the largest vote for a candidate of all time.  Up until last week, I saw almost zero Biden signs around anywhere in Georgia.  Trump signs, meanwhile, were much more prevalent.  I can understand how Obama would have generated such enthusiasm in 2008, and that was reflected in his rally sizes.  But Biden?  He was thoroughly unimpressive.

It just does not add up.  I compared the total votes cast for the 2016 election vs 2020 election in Georgia, and the total number jumped by 16%.  Biden got about 24% more votes in the state than Hillary did.  Huh?  Where did all these extra votes come from?  It wasn't from Trump voters from 2016, since his total increased as well in 2020.  Was Biden that much more compelling than Hillary was in 2016?

Pay attention to the people who want to sweep these things under the rug going forward, and pretend like there's nothing to see here.  I noticed an article featured on Twitter yesterday about some "experts" who claimed voter fraud was very rare.  The article was published by the Brennan Center, which gets funding from....George Soros.  You can't make this stuff up.

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What I fear the most is the likelihood that Republicans will abandon Trump to fight this battle on his own.  We cannot help him win the court battles.  If the GOP lays down and throws Trump to the wolves, the only recourse would be to take to the streets.  Pray it never comes to that.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Phid, whenever my local news stations here report about Trump's concerns with fraud, they ALWAYS have to say it's unfounded. I don't watch the news anymore because they are propagandists of evil. Also pay attention to the people who just don't care that they are throwing out votes because they can't stand Trump. Those could be our future enemies in a civil war.  It's just astounding that people will throw away voting integrity like that. 

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Well this doesn't make me feel any better:

 And then there was this article in the Guardian from last year:

'They think they are above the law': the firms that own America's voting system 

l'm not big into many conspiracy theories, and I realize some claims of fraud on Twitter that are false, but I think there is simply too much uncertainty swirling around enough incidents to raise red flags.  Add to this the media class that seems to want to brush this aside (as you said, they preface it by saying it's "unfounded"), and it's all a mess that needs to be fully investigated.

Posted by: @donaldbaker

If the GOP lays down and throws Trump to the wolves, the only recourse would be to take to the streets.  Pray it never comes to that.

My hope is that any national dissolution occurs peacefully.  I don't know how a breakup would actually occur, but it would be surprising if it were all peaceful considering the vast amounts of resources that would need to be separated, and people displaced.

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This was kind of interesting.  The guy who posted it has since been suspended by Twitter.

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What do you guys think of Trump firing SoD Esper? 

I listened to a podcast today that was released maybe a month or two ago about the "war gaming" by John Podesta's group.  It was really interesting to hear what they did, even though it sounded like it was done by a group of Democrats.  Basically, they outlined scenarios of what would happen if Trump refused to concede in case of a contested election.  At the end, the podcast came to the conclusion that ultimately, the military in general doesn't decide elections, but instead one person - the person with the nuclear codes - which is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Anyway, this got me thinking that maybe the firing was done because he saw Esper as a potential traitor in case the Secretary of Defense ever had any influence as to whom the JCoS would support in case of a coup or contested presidency.

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It all points to Trump signaling that he isn't going to concede power until he absolutely has to.  He might even be considering the Insurrection Act if he feels there is no other option...because conceding and losing to his enemies is not an option for him.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.



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