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Road to Election 20...
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Road to Election 2024

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So Trump and Biden had their first debate tonight, and it was a disaster for Biden.  Dems are melting down given his performance which reflects what the right has said all along - he's cognitively impaired and is not capable of serving as the next POTUS (or even POTUS right now).  Trump, in contrast, looked energetic and alive, even if his debate performance wasn't perfect.

What do Dems do now?  They are certainly talking of replacing him, but this would have its own thorny problems.  Here are the possible scenarios as I see them:

  1. Joe stays in the race.  This could happen if he rebounds enough at the second debate, or if he/his handlers outright refuse to drop out.  They might be banking on the chance that Trump will be in jail at the time of the election, making Biden the choice by default.
  2. Kamala takes over.  It's possible that Biden is 25th Amendmented, which would put Kamala in charge, and the presumed heir-apparent.  I think she would be a truly horrible candidate and I would see no chance of her winning (heck - she got only 2% of Dem support before dropping out in the 2020 Democratic primaries).
  3. Newsom gets the nomination.  He'd have to hurdle over Kamala to do this, which would ruffle some feathers (I've already heard that the idea of a lesser-qualified white man bypassing a black woman would be offensive to some).  I think on paper, Newsom is a relatively strong candidate, but objectively he probably is not known by a huge chunk of the population, and it would be hard to get him name recognition in a matter of months.
  4. Michelle Obama gets the nod.  This would probably be something Kamala would go along with, and it would certainly energize a lot of Democrats.  However, it's hard to imagine that a lot of non-black voters would go along with this given that she seems to have zero experience with anything outside her past job as FLOTUS.
  5. Hillary steps up.  She would have a lot of name recognition, although not all positive, even within Democratic circles.  On the plus side for Dems, she would have enough connections and a machine that could be quickly set up to drive her campaign. 

At this point, I don't think any of these options are very strong for the Democrats.  This may very well push them to their backup option, which is to throw Trump in jail.  Of course, if this happens, we're headed for some serious trouble.

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Biden apparently met with family today to discuss his future.  I then heard conflicting reports.  Bill O'Reilly reported that Biden would be dropping out, and the New York Times reported that he would stay in the race.

Illustrious Member Admin
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So Biden isn't well enough to be questioned on the witness stand in a trial setting according to doctors.

He isn't well enough to campaign for another term as President.

Wouldn't the above two mean he isn't qualified to be President now?  Biden probably is negotiating a deal with the DNC for Hunter or whatever he thinks he can get in exchange for him dropping out gracefully and resigning as President so Kamala can take over avoiding the 25th Amendment.  Then Michelle or Hillary or whoever will be nominated at the convention.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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These next few weeks are going to be crazy.  Democrats have to be imploding now because of their options.  I actually do think Biden/his family/handlers may be correct that he still has a better chance of winning than an alternative. After all, Biden already has his campaign in place, he's familiar to voters, and he could argue that he has enough assistants around him to run the country smoothly even if Biden himself isn't all there. 

I'm actually surprised that we haven't seen more rioting to rile up the left's base this summer.  Maybe that will be pushed back to late summer/early fall this year.  I do expect it to happen as the left starts to get anxious that they will lose the election, and as the media wants a new issue that it can frame to hammer Trump.



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