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Russian bounty story increasingly appearing to have been fake

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So it turns out that last year's claim that Russians were taking out bounties on the heads of American soldiers very well could be fake news after all.  The story was used as an anti-Trump storyline, and even came up in one of the debates.

Today, this story appeared in the Daily Beast: U.S. Intel Walks Back Claim Russians Put Bounties on American Troops

This was notable:

But on Thursday, the Biden administration announced that U.S. intelligence only had “low to moderate” confidence in the story after all. Translated from the jargon of spyworld, that means the intelligence agencies have found the story is, at best, unproven—and possibly untrue.

This guy on Twitter chronicled how certain media outlets pushed the story.  Shouldn't they know better?  Did they know better?







Every day things seem to be getting worse. No matter how many times we show that the media is spreading falsehoods and partisan narratives, they don't stop. They keep at it. There are no certain repercussions. This is tiring.

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Joseph Goebbels said something like, "If you tell a lie long enough, people will eventually begin to believe it."  The Big Lie concept.  Our media outlets practice this everyday.  The general public probably doesn't believe everything the media tells them, but sadly, they don't care either...or at least don't care enough to do anything about it.  The Left understands all too well, that the American public is so spoiled and docile now that they won't put up any resistance so long as they have McDonalds, beer, and Netflix to keep them occupied while their liberties are systematically stripped away.  People don't grasp that the dollar is going to be replaced with another economic system in the very near future which will render private transactions obsolete.  The Pandemic is being used as a vehicle to deploy more authoritarian measures to force the public into compliance/submission.  We are now told what to say, what not to say, and where we can gather - with whom we may gather.  You mentioned a tipping point in another post.  We have already passed the tipping point.  The changes coming to America now have an unstoppable inertia to them.  We have no other choice but to ride this out and see where we come out at the other side...those of us who make it that far that is.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Propaganda is very effective on an already brainwashed (and stupid) population. 

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We've grown so cynical as a population, when we are lied to, we just accept it because we already knew we were going to be lied to.  It just hasn't gotten bad enough for people to really try to hold the government more accountable yet.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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And they won't.  I think what the bigger problem is is that more and more people rely on and trust the government and government funded "experts."  It's not cynicism, it's too much trust in government. Most people are like, We're gonna do what we're told because "Dr Fauci said..."   "The CDC said..." "The climate change experts say..." 

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Posted by: @skiguy

And they won't.  I think what the bigger problem is is that more and more people rely on and trust the government and government funded "experts."  It's not cynicism, it's too much trust in government. Most people are like, We're gonna do what we're told because "Dr Fauci said..."   "The CDC said..." "The climate change experts say..." 

I have to think we're at a breaking point with the "trust the experts" line.  The Russian bounty scandal - which really ought to be investigated by Congress since it changed the course of our foreign policy - was predicated on information from "the experts" (intelligence community), and sounds like it was very possibly a fabrication.  This is really huge IMO - much bigger than is being reported.  If the New York Times didn't make it up, then it may have been made up by someone in the CIA or other group, but in either case it implicates both intelligence and media.  Right now it's hard to think that there could be an innocent explanation for it. 

With Fauci, I think his non-answer to Jim Jordan the other day about the specifics of when things could "go back to normal" was pretty telling. 




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