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Where Will The Next...
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There are many potential hotspots around the world.  Where do you think the next war will go hot? Poll is created on Apr 12, 2021


Where Will The Next Major War Erupt?

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There are many potential hotspots around the world.  Where do you think the next war will go hot?

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I heard the other day that Russia-Ukraine is about to erupt, but I really wouldn't be surprised if China goes ahead and invades Taiwan relatively soon.  It seems to me like the U.S. is basically hamstrung and it would be game over in terms of a response.  China owns so much U.S. debt and so many American companies depend on China for manufacturing as well as for a market for goods.  The strangely cozy relationship between Biden/Democrats and China is also suspect.

Honestly, as I learned about the history of Chinese economic growth recently, it dawned on me that the left in America almost seems intent on copying the Chinese model of partially-capitalistic market with iron grip on social behavior to maintain a one-party state.  Either the left is vying for that, or perhaps desires to be a Chinese satellite of some sort.

Donald Baker reacted
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Posted by: @phidippides

I heard the other day that Russia-Ukraine is about to erupt, but I really wouldn't be surprised if China goes ahead and invades Taiwan relatively soon.  It seems to me like the U.S. is basically hamstrung and it would be game over in terms of a response.  China owns so much U.S. debt and so many American companies depend on China for manufacturing as well as for a market for goods.  The strangely cozy relationship between Biden/Democrats and China is also suspect.

Honestly, as I learned about the history of Chinese economic growth recently, it dawned on me that the left in America almost seems intent on copying the Chinese model of partially-capitalistic market with iron grip on social behavior to maintain a one-party state.  Either the left is vying for that, or perhaps desires to be a Chinese satellite of some sort.

Phid, I think you are spot on.  Rush Limbaugh even said that he felt the Democrats wanted to end elections and be the only ruling party.  I think they will achieve their goal once Biden packs the Supreme Court with liberal justices and floods the red states with illegal immigrants who will vote for Democrats en masse.  The GOP will never be in power again, nor do they deserve to be since they failed to find the courage to fight the 2020 election fraud/steal.   China is most definitely their model.  We will have a social credit score system eventually and Chinese style socialism/communism within our lifetimes if not sooner.  China has bought America's compliance and submission.  Taiwan is therefore doomed.  Japan, South Korea, Australia and The Philippines should be on notice.  They're next.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.



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