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Who Won The Debate Last Night?

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Illustrious Member Admin
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I think Trump won, but he didn't land the knockout I was thinking he would.  Kamala was clearly coached up and received help from the ABC moderators.  It was a trap setup to bait Trump and rattle him, but everyone knew that beforehand.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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My initial view was that Harris won the debate.  Yes, the moderators clearly aided her, and yes, her answers were evasive, but on style she did come off as relatively stable.  Trump, in contrast, was wrapped up in addressing irrelevant comments that Harris baited him with, such as his "boring" rallies.  He still did ok but wasn't at his best.

However, in the days since the debate, I think Trump's performance has been rehabilitated.  I think more people understood that the moderators were blatantly unfair to him, which takes points away from Harris.  Also, her scoffing facial features likely came across as condescending or even juvenile to at least some voters.  Trump, in contrast, looked mostly reserved as he looked straight forward.

Lastly, I think the fact that the moderators "fact checked" him in real time actually brought more attention to what he said.  For example, when claimed he was wrong about his live-birth abortion claim, the post-debate coverage focused on that exact issue.  This turned out to be a win for Trump.

In the end, the debate was a win for entrenched wokists who liked Harris' defiant and scoffing attitude. However, for the few undecided voters who are out there, I think the results were more even between the two, and perhaps even a bit more in favor of Trump.



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