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Are We Headed For World War III Poll is created on May 20, 2022


World War III

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Illustrious Member Admin
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Okay, so after the website debacle, the thread we had going on World War III got lost.  So, let's start another one shall we?

I'll even attach a poll to this one.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Illustrious Member Admin
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So is Russia losing this war or is the MSM lying?  I can't find any real Ukraininan casualty figures.  I find it hard to believe Russia can't eventually win.

I've read other people laughing at Russia for having a difficult time and comparing to how well we did in Iraq.  However, nobody bothered to help Iraq against us and the coalition we built against Saddam.  Putin, on the other hand, has to deal with a determined, more technologically capable enemy who is getting unlimited support from NATO.  I think that is a very big difference.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Most of what I see in the reporting is "according to Ukraine authorities..." so I thnk it's all BS

Russia's gonna eventually get what they want, and they should. It seems most of the population in eastern Ukraine is Russian and most of them want this.   It's just unfortunate that our politicians are so willing to prolong the war. 

Illustrious Member Admin
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The question now is, will the United States allow Ukraine to sue for peace?  Also, would Russia accept such a peace in lieu of the sustained losses they have incurred?  I'm sure Putin is looking for a way out of this costly nightmare he finds himself in, but he won't accept anything that does not meet his stated goals.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I don't really know how suing for peace works legally, but it sounds like Russia would have to accept this if it ever hopes to get re-connected with the international community.  You have to imagine that average Russians are pretty dismayed at being cut off from international trade, from shortages, etc., and that Russian oligarchs and corporations are dismayed at being cut off from the international monetary system. 

I imagine that Russia would want to go through "proper" channels to sue for peace as leverage for rejoining the international market.

Illustrious Member Admin
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It all depends on how much China and India can afford to buy.  Russian oil is cheap these days.  Russian weapons are pretty nifty too.  We will see.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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So the Nord Stream pipeline was apparently sabotaged, thereby cutting a potential Russian fuel artery off from Europe.  No one has taken responsibility for it yet, but Biden is on video with suspicious comments about how he would stop the pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine.

If it's true that the U.S. sabotaged Nord Stream, could this be considered an act of war?

Illustrious Member Admin
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In every sense of the word, it would be an act of war.  World War III is pretty much a given at this point.  Europe will be torn apart economically so it stands to reason that war will be waged to recoup the losses or extol revenge.  Either way, the old-world order is crumbling fast.  Whatever new world order is on the way will only be more authoritarian even for us here in the U.S. 

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Yeah, I've thought about how the powers that be (WEF players, etc.) may be pushing for war on purpose, as this would give them an opportunity to seize control and impose their authoritarianism on the world. Remember when Boris Johnson did not want Ukraine to agree to peace with Russia?

To be honest, the push to expand NATO into Russia's backyard seemed like a provocation that the U.S. should have known about.  They did it anyway.  This entire Russia-Ukraine war could therefore have probably been avoided.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Well, does the Crimean bridge destruction accelerate things?

My guess is that we will be launching an attack on Russia, and it is going to be u-g-l-y.  Putin has to know that a few strategic attacks on U.S. soil will cause a massive reaction by average U.S. citizens who become terrified and will want out of war.

Meanwhile, Zelensky is egging on nuclear war, which is insane. He actually called for pre-emptive strikes on Russia. 

We've been played.  The pro-Ukrainian propaganda has dominated and has controlled sentiments to favor war.  Oppose this propaganda and you are smeared as a "Putin defender". 

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Yes this whole thing is scripted.  Putin knows it but eventually he will have no choice but act the part the West is forcing on him.  Scary times indeed.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Updating this.  NATO nations are sending tanks and heavy artillery now. Russia is massing close to 500,000 troops for a massive Spring offensive.  Belarus could take part in the offensive thus widening the war.  Putin has ordered air defenses mounted on top of Moscow buildings in case of an air assault.  He is openly comparing the war in Ukraine to World War II with Germany after Germany promised Leopard tanks to Zelensky.  

Meanwhile, Israel has launched drone strikes against Iran and is openly pushing for a military coalition strike involving France, UK, and USA.

On another front, China and North Korea are becoming ever more bellicose with Taiwan and South Korea. Japan is also ramping up its military in anticipation with a conflict with China.  A Pentagon general has predicted war with China by 2025. Oh, and we have Chinese spy balloons in Montana!

On yet another front, Turkey is saber rattling with Greece.  

Finally, we have all kinds of turmoil in South America as socialism begins to overtake the continent.

World War III seems all but inevitable at this point.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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There's a lengthy article on Substack by Seymour Hersh which details the U.S./Norwegian operation to sabotage the Nord Stream pipeline.  The source of the article is not given but it seems pretty credible on its face. 


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