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So The Patriots Wil...
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So The Patriots Will Win It All Again

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Illustrious Member Admin
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Is this not getting boring seeing the Patriots continue to dominate just like Alabama does in college?  Are dynasties good for sports?  Many think they are.  I end up wanting to see somebody else get their chance at the glory.  How do you feel about dynasties?

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Honorable Member Admin
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This sounds like that Colin Cowherd commercial where he starts talking about dynasties...I think he might have said that people say they hate them but actually love them. 

I can see both sides.  On one hand, fans want to see the underdog win and get tired of seeing all the glory go to one team.  On the other hand, it's a thrill to know that you're living during a time of greatness.  We're witnessing perhaps the greatest player to have ever played the game in Tom Brady, and he's arguably at the top of his game (mentally if not physically).  It's like when Tiger Woods was winning all those majors back in the early 2000s; we just don't see that with any single golfer nowadays. 

The Patriots' winning ways will eventually end when Brady retires at some future date, and then we'll all look back to this time with fondness.  Alabama, though, will still be winning.😜



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