Tactical Discussion Boards

Honorable Member
Loaded Rounds: 1681
Joined: Aug 19, 2019
Last seen: Mar 14, 2025
Topics: 67 / Replies: 421
RE: The Road to Civil War 2021

Some chatter today in the interwebs about something fishy. Apparently CNN is reporting that a group may have broken off from the Trump rally early to ...

4 years ago
RE: Book recommendation?

If you are interested in that, I would highly recommend watching the series, "Hitler's Circle of Evil". It focuses on the main figures of the rise of...

4 years ago
RE: Book recommendation?

One of the things I learned in the lecture series that I did not know what that Khrushchev was actually a reformer of sorts, allowing Solzhenitsyn to ...

4 years ago
RE: Book recommendation?

I have not read it. Right now I'm going through a video lecture series on comparisons between capitalism and socialism, though, so if you want to ta...

4 years ago
RE: The Road to Civil War 2021

Well, that may solve the mystery. UPDATE: Sources tell @BuzzFeedNews a "disgruntled staffer" is behind the State Department site's change of Trump...

4 years ago
RE: The Road to Civil War 2021

By the way, weird stuff, but this is a current screenshot of the bio of Trump on the Secretary of State's web site.

4 years ago
Replies: 79
Views: 6504
RE: The USA isn't becoming Socialist...

I also want to add some views about the storming of the Capitol as well. My guess is there were thousands (tens of thousands?) of people at the rally...

4 years ago
RE: The USA isn't becoming Socialist...

Here's my take - I don't know if either of you will agree with me 100%. I think there is circumstantial evidence that the 2020 election was not le...

4 years ago
RE: Happy Holidays From Legacy Armory!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you. Only a few hours left in this Year of Our Lord, 2020. It's been the most significant year of our lifeti...

4 years ago
RE: Is Trump Going To Be Able To Overturn Election Results?

@donaldbaker Do you really think he'd do that? I haven't been following the specific claims made about evidence of systematic, widespread voter fraud...

4 years ago
RE: Is The Corona Virus Really Bad Enough To Justify This Response?

Interesting as your comment was from back in April. Here we are, 8 months later, and liberal states are continuing to implement the most draconian ru...

4 years ago
RE: Divided States of America

My prediction now is that with Biden in office, the Dems continue the shutdowns, will will have a massive degradation on America's small business base...

4 years ago
RE: Divided States of America

Allen West also mentioned something along these lines yesterday. I thought it might take a longer time for this to play out, but it could snowball. ...

4 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 484
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Legacy Armory