POLITICO: Trump expressed support for hanging Pence during Capitol riot, Jan. 6 panel told.
Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.
Everything with the January 6 Commission seems designed to milk the event for all the political worth the Democrats can get from it.
The left has learned that if it can merely commence a political investigation, it has won a big victory, since that investigation can be used to threaten, to control the news cycle, and hold the upper hand. It happened when the Mueller Investigation was launched in 2017, which let a minority of Democrats obstruct Trump's mandate.Â
With the J6 Commission, we're 14 months after it occurred, and it still hasn't wrapped up yet. Curiously, they haven't announced things that the public *should* know about, such as who left the doors unlocked, who told police to stand down, and who the person was who left bombs in D.C. at the time.
It's all political theater, and I imagine it will be milked into the Fall 2022 elections.
The fact of the matter is, the Dems and the RINOs are so afraid of Trump, they will do and say anything to demonize him and besmirch his good name. Trump has a lot of flaws, but one of them isn't leadership. He was a very good leader. He understood the big picture. He may not have understood all of the nuances of statecraft, but he didn't need to since he wasn't in Washington to be a part of that system or crowd. His biggest mistake was thinking he was going to have help from the establishment in cleaning up their mess...a mess they have spent decades making and profiting from. If we get Trump 2.0, I'm sure he will be more prepared to deal with the turncoats who stabbed him in the back.
Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.
I agree that they must be afraid of Trump, or else they wouldn't be spending so much time trying to prevent him from running again.Â
However, I will have to disagree somewhat. I think Trump's biggest flaw is valuing loyalty above all else. I always thought that the "Stop the Steal" push at the end was poorly done, and prematurely pushed by Trump and others. You may think I'm crazy, but I thought that Pence was in the right with what he did. Pence was a fantastic VP and would have been set up to be a fantastic president later on, but Trump's sissy fit causes a lot of people to oppose Pence.
Now, in Georgia, Trump tried to go after Republicans who didn't do what he wanted post-2020 election. To me, this is petty, and counter-productive.Â
So while I like Trump and think his policies are great, his pettiness is really annoying.
You are more forgiving of Pence than I am.😁
Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.
This article is disgusting.Â
Mark Meadows allegedly suggested Trump "signaled a positive view" about hang Pence. What's a positive view? Laughing about it as I can easily picture Trump doing? And besides, "POLITICO could not independently verify the veracity of the claim regarding Meadowsâ comments."
They're getting desperate. Dangerously desperate.
They don't even try to hide it anymore how blatantly they lie. Ministry of Propoganda is all these leftist bloggers are.
Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.
You are more forgiving of Pence than I am.😁
I guess I didn't think that Pence was in the wrong at all. It always seemed kind of silly to me that Trump wanted Pence to stop the election confirmation from going through, just like it seemed silly to me that people thought law offices of Sidney Powell would stop the election. I had always thought that if the election results were not successfully challenged within about two weeks after the election, you had a lost cause. Further, the successful challenge of an election would only come by way of a large-scale effort, such as through a Congressional committee.
So for Trump to try to get Pence to stop the election for going through was simply inappropriate. He threw Pence under the bus after Pence served him extremely well.
Put it this way - what would we think if Vice President Biden had tried to prevent Trump from being confirmed as president in 2017?
Phid, it doesn't really matter. The Democrats stole the election and McConnell and his RINOS did nothing to stop it. They wanted Trump gone. Pence was never going to help Trump no matter what. I think it would have been appropriate for Trump to declare martial law and have the elections over again. The time for appropriateness was over. The country died when Biden was installed. It was a coup period.
Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.
Donnie, I have not seen evidence that the election was stolen as a whole. Yes, there was evidence of cheating going on, and enough evidence to merit a large-scale investigation, but I just don't know of evidence existing which would have changed the outcome of the election. Perhaps it's out there and I just haven't seen it, but I did a fair amount of looking into this in late 2020/early 2021 and did not see a smoking gun.
With that said, you also have to recognize that there are two hurdles that Trump would have had to cross in order to actually hold the elections again. The first is a showing of enough widespread cheating that caused a change in the electoral votes resulting in a change in the election results. However, the second hurdle is more important, and that is convincing the vast majority of Americans that overturning the results was the legitimate thing to do.
Had Trump declared martial law and held a re-do without solving the #2 hurdle first, it would have been a disaster. An absolute disaster. In fact, we might not even be having this conversation right now if that had happened, because it very well could have opened a breach into the entire U.S. system of government, resulting in widespread panic, possibly a coup (by any number of parties), and even shutdown/regulation of communications and other basic services.
I am saying this recognizing the reality that if a candidate were to cheat in a presidential election, that person may very well get away with it so long as the people think he's legitimate. It's sad but true. So even if Trump were truly cheated out of the election, if the people didn't think so and saw Biden as legitimate, Trump's unilateral decision to re-do an election that people thought he lost would have lead to a breakdown of the social fabric as there would be a monumental loss in confidence in our government.
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