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I don't think I've seen a more coordinated effort to take away our gun rights than we're seeing now.  As a recent convert to believing conspiracy theories, I very much think the recent school shooting in Texas is a false flag.  Everything points in that direction.  I'm really hoping to see something to convince me otherwise, but nothing yet.

-the timing.  The current WEF conference in Davos was getting a little more attention than they liked.  The US reporter arrested went viral.

-in order for the WEF plans for controlling us go into effect, they would have to disarm the population.  Are you guys seeing the videos of what they're saying.  Holy crap!!!

-the cops standing down and arresting a few parents.  The narrative is that they were chickens. I'm just wondering who ordered them to stand down.

-the IMMEDIATE coordinated anti gun propaganda campaign that followed within minutes of the shooting

-How could this "poor" kid afford $5000+ worth of guns, ammo, and body armor?

-plus there are few reports and short videos of witnesses and some of them are like "wait...what?!?!?" (Reports say the shooter was shot dead inside the building. There's a video of a kid who was positive he saw the shooter running outside after.)

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I have to agree with you Ken.  Also, the Buffalo shooter and the Uvalde shooter were known to be on the same chat server.  So there is a possibility they knew of each other.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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also Parkland.  Didn't the cops delay their response there as well?  I'm questioning everything lately.

And, BTW, I always wondered what part of the world should I pay more attention to as far as where the antichrist will come from.  Pretty sure I found it - Davos, Switzerland.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Ken

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We are definitely getting very close to the Antichrist's arrival.  The fall of America is probably has to happen first.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Posted by: @skiguy

I don't think I've seen a more coordinated effort to take away our gun rights than we're seeing now.  As a recent convert to believing conspiracy theories, I very much think the recent school shooting in Texas is a false flag.

I gotta push back here.  The reason why conspiracy theories are so tempting is because they provide a rational explanation for something that otherwise seems irrational or unexplainable.  They also feed the mind's tendency for pareidolia (pattern recognition), which is one of the human mind's great features, but which can also be problematic at times.

In this case, there are random mass shootings that happen periodically across the nation and the world.  I think it's quite unsurprising to find out that the local police lack the knowledge or willingness to handle such incidents like we think they should in retrospect.  People messing up at their jobs happens all the time.

As far as it happening while the WEF conference is going on, this seems merely coincidental.  I believe the WEF conference probably happens every year, and takes place over what, a week or two?  So it's not surprising if some random bad event happens while it's going on some year.  We're a world of some 7 billion people, so it's not unsurprising if one conference in Switzerland might discuss a tragedy caused by one person in one part of the world.

Lastly, as for the Democrats' coordinated response, well, that's not a conspiracy.  That's merely the Democrats following their textbook political play, which is to make whatever tragedy or bad event an excuse to hammer Republicans and assert power. 

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So you don't think morally depraved Democrats, who are angry about not being able to kill unborn children, would have no problem sacrificing a group of children to push their agenda?

What about the parents who caught the FBI trying to influence their son to commit a mass shooting? https://thewashingtonstandard.com/flashback-parents-catch-fbi-in-plot-to-force-mentally-ill-son-to-be-right-wing-terrorist/

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Posted by: @skiguy

What about the parents who caught the FBI trying to influence their son to commit a mass shooting? https://thewashingtonstandard.com/flashback-parents-catch-fbi-in-plot-to-force-mentally-ill-son-to-be-right-wing-terrorist/

That sounds like a case of entrapment, and entrapment has been going on in law enforcement since probably the beginning of civilization.  It's different from a "false flag", though.  Yes, it is a particularly big problem when the FBI does it, but this particular incident was an "attempted bombing" (unclear about how far into the process it went), and it evidently did not get much publicity (I had never heard of the particular case).  It sounds like it was similar to the more famous Whitmer kidnapping case.  At best these are done through bad/overzealous management of cases, and at worst to utter corruption.  However, it's a huge leap to go from these incidents to believing that the FBI had a kid slaughter 19 or so children in a school.

So you don't think morally depraved Democrats, who are angry about not being able to kill unborn children, would have no problem sacrificing a group of children to push their agenda?

No, I don't think the Democrats would do that just for political ends, despite their love for abortion.  I think this so for a number of reasons, including the fact that abortion has been legal for almost 50 years, and they haven't engaged in mass shootings of kids elsewhere during that time.  If they had such depraved hearts to kill non-preborn children, there would be plenty of evidence to show from many decades that Democrats have done this in the past.

The reality is that school shootings happen from time to time.  There are some crazed individuals in our society, and politicians will often use those tragedies for political purposes. 

If this had been an actual false flag done for political purposes, why go through all the trouble but fail to plant any evidence connecting the shooter to Trump or the GOP?  Or why not claim he was "radicalized" by Fox News so Biden had cover to censor his main media critic?

At the end of the day, there's simply no evidence that this was a "false flag".  Yes, we know the FBI is corrupt, we know the Democrats are duplicitous at times, and we also know the left is corrupt.  However, all those can be true and it can also be true that they didn't cause the Texas shooting.

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So basically whether it was a false flag or not, the Democrats will leverage it for their gun control agenda.  Eventually, as mote RINOS switch over, gun control legislation becomes more of a reality.  I'll be out of business soon.😣

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Posted by: @donaldbaker

So basically whether it was a false flag or not, the Democrats will leverage it for their gun control agenda.  Eventually, as mote RINOS switch over, gun control legislation becomes more of a reality.  I'll be out of business soon.😣

Well, looks like you'd be out of business in Canada given the Trudeau Regime's latest move.  It's amazing how these champagne-class leftists are turning into Stalin-lite dictators, especially in the post-COVID world. 

However, I don't think you have to worry about going out of business in the U.S.  Canada has the leftist leadership they voted for and the leadership they deserve.  Fortunately, our Second Amendment is not going away.  It's kind of amusing to see the left say we should repeal it, because that ain't happening. 

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Alright, so while I still do not see evidence that this is a "false flag" event, it does seem like there is some cover-up or stonewalling that is going on that is raising red flags.  Why this is happening, I do not know, but it is concerning, particularly because the shooting is being used to launch a larger political attack. 

Remember, a popular play by the left is to a) focus on an emotional, national tragedy, b) formulate a narrative around the event, and c) push politics (legislation or otherwise) while emotions are still high.

They did this with George Floyd, with the Whitmer case, and they did this with January 6.  Once the dust settles and the facts are more clearly seen, the original narrative advanced by the left starts to break down. 

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More information coming in about the Uvalde shooting. Something's amiss.


Illustrious Member Admin
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Still think this wasn't a False Flag?  It might not have been a planned one, but it morphed into one.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Don't mean to get too semantic, but here's the basic definition I'm using for "false flag" (from Merriam Webster):

a hostile or harmful action (such as an attack) that is designed to look like it was perpetrated by someone other than the person or group responsible for it

I interpret a claim that the Uvalde shooting was a "false flag" to mean that it was either a) committed by unknown persons and all the blame was wrongfully shifted to the hispanic kid, or b) committed by the hispanic kid, but he was set up, trained, or agreed to do the shooting on behalf of some other, unknown group.

Maybe we're just using the term "false flag" in different ways, but I don't see any evidence at this time that the hispanic kid was not the one responsible for the shooting.

With that said, there's more and more evidence that police had the power to stop the shooter but inexplicably failed to do so.  In addition, some of the explanations by police seem to be unconvincing.

Could it be that there was a call from someone higher up the chain for police to stand down, knowing that the catastrophe could then be used as a nation-wide political tool to crack down on gun rights?  Is this what you're calling a "false flag"? 

Although the facts right now don't seem to rule that theory out, I just don't see enough evidence to support it at this point...and you'd have to be really, really cynical to believe it. 

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The way the narrative changes on this convinces me more that it was a false flag operation.  He may be responsible for the shooting. My definition of false flag in this case is that the government knew he was going to do it and told everyone to stand down to let it happen. Yes, I do believe our government is that evil, and yes, they will do whatever it takes to push their agenda. 

Donald Baker reacted


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