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Does Biden withdraw...
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Will Biden withdraw as Democratic candidate for 2024? Poll is created on Feb 09, 2024


Does Biden withdraw?

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Given Biden's recent slew of gaffes, along with the Special Counsel revelation that Biden's memory is basically not reliable due to age, will he withdraw (voluntarily or not) as the 2024 candidate?

Illustrious Member Admin
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He won't voluntarily withdraw, but he won't be the nominee unless the Dems just can't stomach putting Harris in to finish the term, but I think Biden is going down too fast to save at this point.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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What's interesting is that while we've seen a kind of mini "civil war" within the GOP during the primaries over the past year, there may be an underground "civil war" within the Democrats now. 

I have to think the realists in the Democratic Party know that Biden can't win, much less run the country any longer, and want to force him out in favor of Newsom or even Michelle Obama.  At the same time, Biden loyalists hold the reins to power and are not going to take kindly to having their man pushed out.  Then, there's the Kamala Harris camp, which would obviously benefit by having Biden pushed out, but who would most likely not get any support in an open race.  She therefore occupies a kind of third faction within the Dems.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Revisiting this thread.  Joe's numbers seem to have stabilized since his SOTU Speech.  Maybe enough he can finish down the stretch.  Whether his numbers are good enough to beat Trump still remains to be seen.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Now that we're into April, I think we're too far past the point at which a Biden withdrawal would be feasible.  With that said, I think the Democrats' main strategy now might be to focus on stopping Trump via a swarm of random prosecutions rather than propping up Biden.

As a hypothetical, what would Dems do if Trump were incarcerated before the election?  Or if he died?  Would they stick with Biden if they know they have the election in the bag?  Or would they find any way to get rid of Biden so they could install Newsom? 

Illustrious Member Admin
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I have no idea at this point.  They are literally capable of doing anything.  I think World War III is just as likely to keep Biden in power as anything.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I think if it's a traditional race of Trump v. Biden, Democrats are going to be running very, very scared.  Last I heard, Trump is ahead in all the swing states. 

Because of that, I can't believe that Democrats wouldn't pull out some major stops to obstruct Trump.  My guess is they simply accelerate all these random prosecutions and bank on the possibility that Trump could be arrested. 

In other words, this is going to be a very ugly campaign season.  Get ready.



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