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Election 2020

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This may be a close one.  Right now, Trump is looking really good in some key states - Florida, North Carolina, winning in Ohio and Pennsylvania at the moment.  Let's hope he pulls off another upset(!).

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The mail in voter fraud is happening.  As of 11pm last night Trump was leading in every city in RI except one.  Woke up this morning to a Biden landslide.  Where do we sign up for the civil war?


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Yeah, this is no longer looking good.  I went to bed with Trump ahead in Michigan by about 300k votes with 70% counted, and up in Wisconsin as well.  This morning, Biden was up.  Trump was also up by 650,000 votes in Pennsylvania, and now that lead is down to 300,000 votes.

This is going to be tight.  Apparently, Trump can still win with a win in both Arizona and Pennsylvania.  The future of the free world hangs in the balance.  Yikes.

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Now comes the razzle-dazzle part.  Reports of voter shenanigans are mounting.  I believe Trump can still win as Arizona votes are recalculated and if he wins there, and Pennsylvania.  Whoever wins is not going to be seen as legitimate, regardless.  Very bad scenario unfolding.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Make no mistake about it, America as we knew it, is now dead.  Such a sad time for us all.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Phidippides reacted
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Didn't agree totally when you first said that a few months back, but I am afraid I agree now. 

Not if but when Biden cheats his way in, our country is gone. I see the GOP Senate is starting to lose ground. They were ahead all week but are tied now. 

Been reading a little about the Bolshevik Revolution and the similarities are frightening-the press, the fake science, etc.  Biden's inauguration is when we will become Communist nation. 

I need to buy a generator for when the climate change "emergency" blackouts start happening.

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If we really want to be honest, Trump was really just a bandaid on the cancer growing in America.  Leftism has been growing and infecting America for a few generations now, and the direction is simply bad.  Yes, Trump slowed down the political damage they could do, but the cultural damage continued.

When the cancer gets large enough, there's no choice but to remove the tumor.  That is what's going to have to happen.  Can you foresee any other way?  Can you envision a still-unified America in 2050?  In 2040? Heck I'm thinking at this point there will be no unified nation in 2030. 

I mentioned this back in March 2019:

Posted by: @phidippides

Oh, and BTW I'm still predicting we'll see a political secession/national division within the next 50 years.

 Now, I realize I was being far too generous in thinking we'd last that long.

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Phid, I think your timetable might be too far out.  At the rate the Leftist cancer is growing...festering...this nation might not last out this decade.  We are in serious trouble now. 

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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@donaldbaker I think the next two years will be critical.  If Biden gets in (I see there's still a sliver of hope that Trump could prevail) and the two Georgia Senate seats turn blue, I believe the Dems may have 50 seats, which would allow them to pack the court, as well as pass pretty much whatever nonsense they want.  I think, though, that what might really put people over the edge is additional restrictions on guns.  That could launch talks about secession, or possibly worse.

But let's say the GOP retains the Senate next year.  Could they hold the Dems at bay?  Yes, that's definitely possible.  Remember, the Dems were able to obstruct Trump with only the control of the House - and that was for two years.  Heck - even when the Republicans controlled the House and Senate two years ago, they couldn't get much done. 

If - and it's a big if - Republicans can hold off the Dems for the next two years, I think the tide could turn big against them in the 2022 midterms. 

The only other issue I'm not considering here, though, is Democrats trying something crazy even if they don't have the Senate.  I'm talking about increased oppression of conservatives, going through with their pathetic "truth and reconciliation" commission, or even going after Trump as a private citizen.  Those could also launch some serious developments.

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Make no mistake, the Democrats have one goal, and that is one party rule.  As they continually move further to the Left, their willingness to usurp power by any means necessary will only increase.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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This is interesting.  RCP hasn't called it for Biden yet, unless they did and just rescinded.

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@skiguy There is chatter on Twitter right now about how they've treated Pennsylvania.  Some said that RCP rescinded their call awarding Pennsylvania to Biden, but others are saying the state was never called for him in the first place.

What we're seeing is not only media interference in the election, but perhaps the biggest media power grab in our nation's history.  Only the media has called the race.  Twitter is now editorializing all of Trump's tweets which allege fraud based on the media's call.  However, they don't get to declare a victor.

Illustrious Member Admin
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I think Trump has the evidence to flip the election and they know it.  The Dems are trying to run out the clock. 

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.



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