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FBI Raids Trump

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The Hill: FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Lago.


Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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This is pretty amazing.  Next up, they'll indict him with something.  It will be a drawn-out process to bring down their one obsession while distracting from the garbage dump of power that the Democrats are displaying while controlling the presidency and legislative branches. 

Donald Baker reacted
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Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Phidippides reacted
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What does Trump do now?  Does he play this charade out to the end, or does he negotiate with Biden's Justice Department to quietly "remove himself" from politics?  Knowing Trump, he won't back down now.  In the meantime, the FBI has nothing but time on its hands to find something on Trump.  Will he get the support from the Republicans after Mid-Terms to put an end to the witch hunts?  Or will they continue to look the other way while Biden et al keeps digging for something that isn't there?  I guess we continue on in Clown World until November, then it will get even more interesting from there.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I heard that GOP leadership asked Trump to not announce his candidacy until after the midterm election.  I also heard that Democrats wanted to try to force his hand by announcing early.  My guess is that Trump waits and announces after. 

I have also heard (ok, I hear a lot of things on the news 😕) that Merrick Garland is in a situation in which he must indict Trump, or else the raid on Mar-a-Lago looks like a blatant political stunt.  In other words, Garland has backed himself up into a corner.  

Once Trump is indicted, and Trump announces his candidacy, all eyes will be on Trump.  Anti-Trumpers will be fixated on him, and the left will come across as being borderline psychotic.  Meanwhile, MAGA supporters will view this as a legit political persecution by a corrupt regime.  

So basically, 2023 will be the year in which talk of civil war will continue to simmer at a higher temp.  Not good. 

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The DOJ  expands its investigation:

The New York Times: Justice Dept. Issues 40 Subpoenas in a Week, Expanding Its Jan. 6 Inquiry.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Yup.  It's the transition to a one-party state.  It's amazing that it's happening in front of our eyes and the GOP is not doing a single thing.

It's actually kind of amazing because it means the Democrats are giving up on democracy.  They're waiving the white flag of surrender in the battle of ideas.  They can't win this battle, so they need to use brute force to shut down opposing views.  It's kind of an amazing victory for conservatism that the left is playing this game.  Ultimately, they'll lose, though.

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I don't think the Democrats have cared about democracy since Kennedy to be honest. The RHINOS just care about having a seat at the table even if they hold no real power.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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It's kind of odd when you think about it.  What good is it for Mitch McConnell or Lindsey Graham to be in charge of their own fiefdom when the entire kingdom is ruled by the enemy? 

I still have hope that Republicans can pull this off as more and more people wake up.  Even if the GOP starts winning elections, though, the battle will just have begun.  The Deep State is more dangerous and harder to get rid of than we realized when Trump first took office.



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