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Are we experiencing an "August Madness"?

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The "August Madness" refers to the wave of enthusiasm for war that swept through Europe in August 1914.  Ideas of stunning victories, and glorious battles helped encourage people to mobilize and celebrate the coming of war.  With thoughts of soldiers wearing colorful, elaborate nineteenth century uniforms undoubtedly in their heads, the public would eventually get their wish, but it wasn't quite as they had anticipated.  Instead of stunning tales of bravery on the battlefield and quick victory, the public was left to ponder the bleakness of trench warfare, mustard gas, and brutalization of even civilian populations in the new phenomenon of "total war".

Could we be experiencing a similar kind of "August Madness" of our own in 2022?  With terms like "civil war" trending on Twitter more frequently, and pundits on TV openly claiming we're already at war and that Trump supporters are "evil".


To be fair, I have not heard anyone actively telling people to take up arms.  However, it does seem like people on both the left and the right are becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of war, which is highly troubling. The level of death and destruction could be massive.  It would not be a celebratory feat even in victory, and we would have no quick "utopia" established afterwards.

I believe this kind of psychological preparation for war will ultimately become a self-fulfilling prophecy, particularly as more and more people on the national stage start discussing it.  This is why it is alarming to hear the increasing level of chatter about it.

To be clear, a civil war would be an outright disaster for the United States.  It is actually quite impressive that our nation was able to pull together after the last such war, but I fear another round would not have the same result.  Not only would would the ideological divide be too strong, but a new civil war would potentially trigger foreign adversaries to attack.

Bad news all around.

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I think the Left better be careful.  People will only be pushed so far before they lose it.  Of course I think that's what they want so they can see who they need to round up.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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@donaldbaker I agree.  I think there's a cross section of the country that is itching for a fight.  I think it's always the party out of power that has the bigger gripe, and it's the party in power that can provoke a fight simply by pushing its boot down a little harder.

Biden's side is pushing the boot down.  My guess is they see this as the quickest way to eliminate conservatism once and for all by establishing a one-party state and branding opposing views as "terrorism".  By provoking a reaction by someone on the right, the left hopes to use it to respond, possibly by arresting GOP members of Congress, Trump supporters, and possibly worse.



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