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Impeachment 2.0 and...
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Impeachment 2.0 and Aftermath

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Honorable Member Admin
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I'm watching the second impeachment trial right now, and Trump's defense team is doing a great job today.  They've been poking holes not only in the House Managers' incitement case, but also showing the hyporisy of those on the left who have been saying "fight!" in speeches, or otherwise calling for or rationalize confrontation.  It seems clear that Trump will not be convicted in the Senate since 2/3 will not go along with it.

What then?

Failing to convict a former president will have no direct effect, even if it does mean Trump could hypothetically run for office again.  But will this mean Democrats will just drop it?  I doubt it.  Just today I saw that the leftist Washington Post is basically threatening violence as a result:

So where does this all end?  Democrats should be happy - they've won the presidency AND Congress, control Big Tech, Hollywood, Academia, and even most corporate boards.  So why are they so angry still?

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If he's acquitted, can the Dems still go after him?  Like a DOJ investigation or something?  Can they still do something to prevent him from running?  All I know is I can't wait for his first speech after all this!!!!

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Well, he was acquitted in the Senate.  Yes, I think they still could go after him on criminal charges, but honestly, it would be a very weak case.  Generally, speech that can be criminalized is speech which directs concrete violence in a situation in which violence will likely happen.  So if Trump had directed the crowd at the rally to march on the Capitol and break the doors down, then yes, that would most likely have been criminal.  But he said nothing of the sort.

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They aren't done with Trump.  They have to destroy him and his movement.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Every attack on him just makes us (and him) stronger.  They are too consumed with hatred to see this.




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