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Liz Cheney Booted

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Discuss. 😎 

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I think she came to symbolize the type of old-school, status quo, neocon, Never Trumper Republican that was comfortable in the Republican Party up until about the mid-2010s.  I personally don't think these people are all-bad by any means, but I think they revealed themselves to be somewhat worthless in terms of governance over the years.  They seem to be the type of politicians who would willingly glide along in the drift towards national leftism so long as they get small concessions by Democrats in certain areas. 

So to me, Liz Cheney became a target because of what she represented.  Personally, I'm fed up with that brand of Republican because they have proven themselves to be incapable of what needs to be done at this point in our nation's history.  Drifting along with the national slide into collapse only works for so long before the entire system is so far gone that small concessions from the other side become meaningless.

I know it may seem harsh, but establishment Republicans need to have the reins of power taken out of their hands.  I know that Trump did this to a certain degree in 2016, but there are still enough in power (Romney, etc.) who need to decide to step in line or leave and start their own party. 

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Well the positive thing out of all of this is that Trump still holds a considerable amount of political clout in the party.  The booting of Liz Cheney sent the signal that Trumpism is still a viable political force to be reckoned with.  Those who sought to bring about the end of the MAGA movement will be paying the Pied Piper in the 2022 midterms you can bet on that.  Eliminating the Establishment/Swamp/Deep State actors is imperative if the GOP wants to recover from the 2020 fallout.  The people made it clear that the status quo is not acceptable any longer, and the Deep State hacks know it no matter what the "election results" showed. 

Eventually the Silent Majority will withdraw their financial and political support to any candidate who deviates away from Trumpism or are outspoken against Trump.  McConnell already has realized this and has tried to reach out to Trump after backstabbing him, but Trump isn't having it.  He knows who was loyal, who was just paying lip service, and who are out to destroy him and his legacy forever.  Liz Cheney is the first to fall, but rest assured more will follow her into political oblivion for choosing to be on the wrong side of history...even though it appears right now they have won.

As for me, until the GOP is restored to the Reagan/Trump/Lincoln ideological platform, and can show the willingness to actually lead this nation when the people give them power, I'm done with them.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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The biggest issue, though, is that I do not believe that "Trumpism" can be the goal.  Loyalty to Trump's vision, bravery, and base should be the goal over loyalty to Trump himself.  I say this only because I just heard that the person who will replace Cheney, Elise Stephanek, is apparently liberal on issues, but she is a Trump loyalist. 

If this is true - that loyalty to Trump is a qualification over policy considerations - then I fear we'll get burned in the end.  I understand that Trump really values people who are loyal to him, but that only benefits him personally, rather than the country as a whole.  How many times have we seen people who are supposedly "loyal" to Trump, but who don't seem to be loyal to the cause?  Think all those people who ended up double crossing him in the end (Omarosa, Scaramucci, Cohen, etc.).  Were they actually conservative to begin with, or were they just hired by Trump because he thought they were loyal?

Anyway, I think this is something to be cautious about.

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It's up to us to remove the RINO's.  But there sure are a lot of them.  Look at the attempt to censure Romney.  The people are in overwhelming support of that, however the Utah Republican party voted against it.  Why?  Too many Bush Republicans still in positions of power?  

I don't care for the term "Trumpism".  It's sounds like something the Nazis...I mean, the Leftists say.  Trump is America IMO.  Best President of my life...which includes Reagan.

Good riddance to Liz.  But we need way more Marjorie Taylor-Greene's.  My litmus test for any Republican is whether or not they believe massive voter fraud occurred.  If they don't, then they can go to hell.



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