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Most Likely To Succeed Rush Limbaugh Poll is created on Feb 19, 2021


Potential Successors To Rush Limbaugh.

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So who is on your short list to replace the GOAT?  I'll put a few choices up in a poll.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Do you mean "successor" as in the leader of the conservative movement, or successor on his radio program?  To be honest, I think that Rush was most influential in the 1990s before the birth of Fox News in the late 1990s and then the digital age of post-2000.  Rush really created the idea of conservative media, so it's kind of like once his "disciples" were formed, they actually diluted his influence somewhat.  He was still powerful in recent year, but just not as much as he used to be.  There are so many conservative pundit options now.

As far as the person most likely to succeed him in terms of influence on conservatives, I think the answer is Tucker Carlson.  I watch his show every day and it is nothing less than awesome.  I used to think that no one could replace Bill O'Reilly, but Tucker did that, and much more.  Tucker fights back not only against the usual craziness of leftism, but also against elitist Republicans or neo-cons who have brought damage on our world and upon conservatives in general.  So Tucker has my vote.

To be honest, I don't know that I have ever heard of this "Todd Hermann" character.

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Todd was a fill in host for Rush.


As for who will take up the mantle as new leader of the Conservative movement, I say Trump.  Nobody else has the power to galvanize a true movement.

As for succeeding Rush on his show, I think Mark Steyn will get the nod.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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@donaldbaker I agree with you about Steyn.  I remember hearing him for perhaps the first time, probably in the mid-200s, when he subbed for Rush.  Who is this British guy?  Now I see him regularly on Tucker, and have since found that he's actually Canadian, not British. 

As far as Trump, I think he is the leader of the GOP, but just not the "leader of conservatism", since I would reserve that for an intellectual who adheres to the principles of conservatism.  I have never considered Trump to be a true "conservative", but maybe more of a populist with conservative leanings. 

As the GOP establishment attempts to retake the party, expect to see some fireworks.  Watch as GOP insiders try to anoint "safe" Republicans as 2024 front-runners.  I already saw them float Nikki Haley's name, which was kind of ridiculous.

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So it looks like Dan Bongino has been chosen by many stations to fill Rush's time slot.  What do we know about Bongino?

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I've been a listener to his daily podcast for about the last year and a half.  I think it was either the top or #2 of all conservative podcasts, so I imagine a radio show would be more of the same.  He's got a ton of red meat for conservatives.  On his show he voices a lot of frustrations that we already have with the left, which is why he's so popular. 



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