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Should Mitch McConn...
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Should Mitch McConnell Retire?

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McConnell froze up again today while at a press conference.  It seems to me that he cannot go on much longer in office and will need to retire.  He has been great in some respects and pretty bad in others.  The longer he stays in office, the more people will start talking about mandatory term limits or possibly forced retirement ages.  Should either of these be implemented?

Illustrious Member Admin
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McConnell should have been retired last election cycle, but I digress.  I feel bad for him that his health is beginning to fail, but he has been a compromised leader for several years now.  His wife's connections with China are troublesome as well.  

As for term limits, I would be on board with them.  Make it 12 years for both Senators and House Representatives.  That should be long enough for them to make their mark in government.  Theoretically one could serve in both Houses and put in 24 years.  More than enough time I would think. I'm not sure about the age limits.  Perhaps mandatory annual physical exams would be the answer.  Or make 85 the mandatory retirement age?

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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It makes me wonder why the Founders put minimum age restrictions in place for federal seats, but not maximum age restrictions.  Interestingly, the average 25-year-old in the 1780s would undoubtedly have been far more mature and wise than the average 25-year-old today, meaning we should almost consider raising those minimum ages as well.

Also, I found this interesting chart showing the average age of both houses going back to our founding.




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