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What Do You Think Will Happen To Trump? Poll is created on Oct 09, 2019


[Sticky] What Will Happen To Trump?

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Apparently Biden has already said that he'll choose a black woman for his VP pick, which narrows the field considerably.  Odds are that it will be Kamala Harris.  However, going up against Mike Pence, she's not remarkable.  I used to be afraid of her because she appears to be strong on paper, but in the debates she did not appear to be ho-hum.


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I hope facebook is a good indicaton. Trump has 28 million followers, Biden has 2.2.  Biden has been in politics a lot longer.  That's pretty low numbers, IMO, considering he was VP twice under a very popular president.

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Anybody feeling any better or worse about Trump's chances?

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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@donaldbaker Yes.  Not feeling good about Trump's chances as all the polls show Biden with significant leads, and with so many votes cast already there might not be enough time to turn things around. 

At the same time, it simply makes no sense.  I think I may have seen one or two Biden lawn signs this entire campaign season.  In contrast, I have seen quite a few Trump signs.  Biden rallies are drawing crowds in the dozens.  Trump rallies are drawing crowds in the thousands.

The enthusiasm gap seems to be extreme....people are electrified by Trump, but lulled to sleep by Biden....black support for Trump seems to be higher than for any other GOP candidate.  This discrepancy, however, is not reflected in the polls.  Something just isn't right. 

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What you are describing, my friend, is nothing less than a coup d'état via a stolen election.  People cannot possibly be voting for Biden in such great numbers.  They are ballot stuffing.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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@donaldbaker But all the polls, conducted by different outlets say that Biden is winning.  Yes, I think ballot stuffing could take place when the votes are counted, but how could the polls show such Biden favorability?  Well, I guess we'll know how this all goes down in another week and a half. 


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Then how do you explain all of the parades and rallies for Trump that thousands attend while Biden can barely get two dozen to attend his events?

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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@donaldbaker That is what I can't explain with much confidence.  One possibility is that they're staying away because of COVID (although COVID didn't exactly stop energized leftists from large gatherings in the past few months).

Another possibility is that Biden voters are voting against Trump more than for Biden, which might explain why they don't show up at his rallies.  However, I feel that this isn't a very sufficient explanation.

So in the end, I'm perplexed.

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Nothing about this election has made much sense to me.  Biden has to be the weakest candidate in my lifetime, and that includes Walter Mondale and Mike Dukakis.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I'm voting on election day.  I'm not skeered. 🙂

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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@donaldbaker I'm voting the same day.  I never get around to making my final choices early enough for early voting (I'm referring to the minor races involving people I have never heard of before). 

Then what?  This is getting kind of stressful.  For as much ground as Trump has to make up on Biden in the polls, it seems like there is good news coming out in favor of Trump in terms of early voting, as well as the closing of polling gaps very recently. 

If Biden wins, I predict the rioting will be mostly quelled between now and the Inauguration.  If Trump wins, I predict massive rioting between now and then.  I don't think it would be as damaging as what we saw during the George Floyd riots, but they will still be widespread and involve a lot of Antifa action.  We also might very well see some legitimate terrorist action by people who have convinced themselves that Trump is a "fascist".  The media would go ballistic because they were counting on a Biden win.

Another thing is that with a Trump win, we'd hear things coming out of the mouths of so-called "professionals" that we never thought we'd hear.  I'm talking about TV pundits openly talking about insurrection, historians talking about a new civil war, and people in general talking about how we can break up America. 

Crazy times.

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Phid, I agree with your sentiments.  The prospect of another 4 years of Trump frighten the Left almost to the point of desperation especially the more radicalized elements within their ranks.  Trump will undoubtedly boast and troll his political enemies once he is confident of victory.  The man can't help himself...so expect him to trigger BLM and Antifa.

My main concern is if the Democrats lose the House (very unlikely), will they go berzerk and outright foment insurrection? Billions of dollars have been invested in Biden's campaign to date, and the donors will want a return on their investment in some form or another.  Taking it to the streets will be demanded by Soros and other major political organizers/agitators.  China is heavily invested into Biden so they are a major player too.

No matter the outcome to the election, America as we knew it is now dead.  That is what frightens me the most.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Will Trump go to prison before the election?  Would the Secret Service allow it?  Would the MAGA crowd stand for it?

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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No, I don't think he could now.  I thought that with one of the SCOTUS cases, that is pretty much off the table.  If anything, the cases would be pushed back to a later date (e.g. after his presidency if he wins).

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