Tactical Discussion Boards

Donald Baker
Illustrious Member
Loaded Rounds: 2157
Joined: Aug 11, 2019
Last seen: Mar 13, 2025
Topics: 166 / Replies: 488
RE: Maxine Waters

I think it can be demonstrated that she has repeatedly done this kind of thing and therefore shows a pattern of misconduct unbecoming a member of the ...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1186
RE: Russian bounty story increasingly appearing to have been fake

We've grown so cynical as a population, when we are lied to, we just accept it because we already knew we were going to be lied to. It just hasn't go...

4 years ago
RE: Mandatory Vaccinations To Attend Sporting Events

I thought I saw where Buffalo was going to enforce this for the Bills and Sabres.

4 years ago
RE: Russian bounty story increasingly appearing to have been fake

Joseph Goebbels said something like, "If you tell a lie long enough, people will eventually begin to believe it." The Big Lie concept. Our media out...

4 years ago
RE: Democrats plan on packing the court

You see Hillary was supposed to have already gotten this done so now they are fast tracking their agenda. Trump got them way behind schedule.

4 years ago
RE: Do You Feel Sorry For Joe Biden?

He can't do that because Obama is behind Harris and his people would retaliate.

4 years ago
RE: Do You Feel Sorry For Joe Biden?

Or could it be Sleepy Joe was only playing along until he got elected installed into office? Now he wants to keep the job for himself and has to und...

4 years ago
RE: Democrats plan on packing the court

Why stop at four? Of course why not dissolve the Supreme Court altogether? Nobody would do anything about it now lol.

4 years ago
RE: Potential Successors To Rush Limbaugh.

So it looks like Dan Bongino has been chosen by many stations to fill Rush's time slot. What do we know about Bongino?

4 years ago
RE: Do You Feel Sorry For Joe Biden?

Did Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of the Immigration "Crisis" on the border to entrap her into a failed mission? So that she would no longer be v...

4 years ago
RE: What happens when the tipping point is reached?

What will happen? The Biden Regime will crush them when they no longer serve their purposes. When BLM and Antifa et al become a nuisance, they will ...

4 years ago
RE: Where Will The Next Major War Erupt?

Phid, I think you are spot on. Rush Limbaugh even said that he felt the Democrats wanted to end elections and be the only ruling party. I think they...

4 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 745
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