Tactical Discussion Boards

Honorable Member
Loaded Rounds: 1682
Joined: Aug 19, 2019
Last seen: Mar 15, 2025
Topics: 67 / Replies: 421
RE: Is The Corona Virus Really Bad Enough To Justify This Response?

Well now we're at 28 days later. Most people who were infected at the beginning of April but didn't show symptoms should have shown them by now, whic...

5 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 975
RE: Calling My Final Four Right Now

Well you got this prediction totally wrong. 😉

5 years ago
5 years ago
RE: Bloomberg Is Toast

Interesting because I think his constant yelling is a turn off. At first it sounds like he's being authoritative, but once you hear him do it again a...

5 years ago
RE: Bloomberg Is Toast

I heard yesterday that Bloomberg has topped out in California at around 15%. If he can't make bigger gains there, I don't know that he'll be able to ...

5 years ago
RE: Bloomberg Is Toast

@donaldbaker Then where would the growing extreme left go? They're the ones who a) are the heart and soul of the party b) pack the stadiums c) are yo...

5 years ago
RE: Bloomberg Is Toast

Could be but think about it - many people watched the debate, while many did not. If he's plastering 10x as many ads as the next closest competitor, ...

5 years ago
RE: Should Nancy Pelosi Be Reprimanded For Tearing Up The STotU Speech?

What's interesting to me is that she was acting very strange throughout the speech: eyes down, distracted, looked like she would have been anywhere bu...

5 years ago
RE: Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Stage Lung Cancer

Last night Mark Steyn commented how he's been on radio for about 30 years now, which is around 1/3 of the time radio has existed. That is a seriously ...

5 years ago
RE: What Will Happen To Trump?

@donaldbaker Here's where it becomes interesting. I would normally think that Pelosi wouldn't want to try impeachment again anytime soon given the ...

5 years ago
RE: Purchased Business License, Moving Forward With FFL License, & Getting LLC Established

That's great. Do you have a brick-n-mortar location as well or doing everything online?

5 years ago
RE: Should Trump Try To Recruit Tulsi Gabbard?

It's always difficult to win a defamation case like this. However, Hillary's statement seems so ludicrous that the suit might move forward.

5 years ago
RE: Is This Forum Layout Better?

I think it's nicer now since I can see on one screen where the most recent posts are.

5 years ago
RE: What Will Happen To Trump?

It's already proven to fire up his base. Once Trump is acquitted, Trump will use it as a "victory" which he will then parade around, thereby angering...

5 years ago
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