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Biden has COVID

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So Biden now has COVID, despite being vaxxed and boosted.  I hope he gets better, as I do not wish harm even on those who do evil in the world.  However, I do wish evil is stopped, so perhaps this will slow down Biden's disastrous policies that is he rolling out.

With that said, what will happen next?  Will we see Biden resigning and a(nother) disaster arise in President Kamala?  If Biden were to resign, I think it would raise red flags that he was possibly forced out, and that this was a pretext for allowing him to resign with public sympathy rather than scorn.  His approval rating now is in the sewer.

Illustrious Member Admin
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I really thought they would try to hold off until the midterms before ousting him.  You think he will go before then?

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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My theory is that Biden's handlers know they can push whatever leftist policies they want while he's in office, because any anger by the public will go directly at Biden, and he's not going to be the 2024 candidate anyway.  In other words, Biden can be the lightning rod for the time being.  Under this scenario, I agree that they need to keep Biden on for at least another year or so if they can help it.  Kamala doesn't benefit if Biden resigns too soon because she'll inherit the current disaster and will have to defend her track record.  On the other hand, if Biden resigns in early 2024, she can tell voters that all the bad stuff going on in the country are because of her predecessors in office.



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