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ChatGPT is an AI bot that was launched in November 2022 and has been in the news recently.  Not only can it be used to write fake essays, thereby harming traditional educational practices, but it is also being used to write malware by cybercriminals.  How disruptive will ChatGPT be in the future, or other AI platforms that will undoubtedly emerge?

Illustrious Member Admin
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I'm not up to speed on this subject to comment intelligently.  All I know is Elon Musk has warned of the dangers AI development poses to humanity.  If it concerns him, I suppose I should be concerned too.  Technological disruptions can be beneficial as long as human ethics can keep pace.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I remember when Musk warned us of this about a decade ago.  I thought he was kind of bonkers at the time since AI seemed like one of the last things to worry about.

Then, a few years ago, I read an article that changed my mind.  It discussed the progress of how inventions were made, and how in the twentieth century, you had many smart people teaming up to invent things.  As these inventions became more and more complex, people relied on more advanced technology to help with the inventing.  Eventually, we'll hit a point at which the inventing is done by computers rather than people at all.  At that point, there will be massive advancements in technology and there will be no turning back. 

In other words, the jump to AI will come quickly, rather than gradually.  I think we're at that stage right now when we're making the transition.  In the history of inventions - the wheel, writing, movable type, photography, etc. - the jump to AI will likely be right up there at the top.  And we've got front row seats to this historical development.

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Google is apparently extremely worried that ChatGPT could adversely affect their business, even to the point of rendering them obsolete.  They are now racing to create an AI that can compete.  So will this accelerate AI Armageddon for us?  Stay tuned... 

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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This would all be great as the storyline in some movie.  Not so great as the storyline from our actual news.  Scary times!

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Alright, so I just discovered there are several AI plugins for Wordpress now.  Maybe I shouldn't be surprised, but this seems to be a pretty noteworthy development.  I tried out an extension that creates entire posts on the fly using any prompt you want.  Here's one I did on the CIA's role in the takedown of Patrice Lumumba:


What's interesting is that there are quite a number of writing style modifications you can use, from journalistic to creative, cheerful to professional, etc.  Hypothetically, you could keep pumping out content for a website just by having the AI do all the heavy lifting. 

Illustrious Member Admin
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That's pretty neat Phid.  I installed it here, and will probably use it at CL too.  It generated a pretty simple post on the Dragunov SVD for me.  I inserted the pic.



Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Right on!  That's pretty cool.  It's definitely a time-saver.  I might try setting up a bunch of posts that I can have published in the future on different topics.  I created a different user account at WCF so I can kind of separate the AI authorship from my own.  I'm debating whether or not I will need to include a note on articles that are AI-generated so people don't get the wrong idea and think a human wrote them, lol.

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I thought about denoting the AI as author as well, but I will leave it off for now.  I think I will stick to informative topics instead of ones that would be more opinionated...save for the first one I generated.  I have done one on Vasily Zaitsev the Soviet World War II sniper, and one on assault rifles.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I am using the same "AI Engine" (Meow Apps) plugin that you're using here.  Once I looked further, it looks like it's a "free trial" that only lasts a few weeks.  I might look at some other similar plugins as well since it seemed like there were quite a few available through Wordpress.

Also, I was hoping to find an AI plugin that allowed for automatic reply creation for forum posts.  Ideally, an AI program would be able to scan forum posts (maybe ones that don't have replies) and then come up with 75-word replies.  This might be a little bit beyond what's available, though.

By the way, with AI like ChatGPT being able to write code, I wonder if I could get it to create a Wordpress plugin if I give it enough prompts. 

Illustrious Member Admin
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I'm sure you could, but you would be better off having someone code it for  you and offer customer service support.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Well I'm beginning to really like the AI authorship of blog posts.  Makes things so much easier and faster if you want to churn out content.  However, for some reason I can't get that Wordpress plugin to write articles longer than a few paragraphs, so they're almost too short for the type of treatment I want to have for certain topics.

What I decided to do instead was to use the plugin to generate sections, but then go directly into ChatGPT and have it write subsections with more depth.  So for the time being, it seems like AI can be used as a great workhorse, but it requires a human mind for guidance.


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Well I'm not ready for the AI to replace the human mind anyway. lol 😎 

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I didn't realize this but apparently ChatGPT was just the tip of the spear.  There are over a thousand new AI tools that were launched last month, and I'm guessing these will probably take our society by storm in ways we will have difficulty grasping now. 

They do all sorts of stuff.  For example:

Create AI voices

Create a resume with AI help

Input text and generate AI video (I threw one together in a few minutes about a post I made at WCF...the result is not great but you get the idea)



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