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More UFO Soft Disclosure Content?

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You tell me.  If it is true, people literally don't care.  They are more concerned about seeing Trump put in prison or what Elon Musk's latest great endeavor is going to be.  That and how many likes they have on Facebook and Tik Tok. They could care less that our government has been hiding alien pilots and reverse engineering alien technology for decades.  But then again, these aren't normal times now are they?

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I guess I don't know what to make of it.  We heard a guy tell us things that he heard from others.  Ok, but what about the actual, tangible evidence?  What about official DoD announcements confirming any of this?  At this point, we're not actually all that closer to knowing the truth, despite the tingling feelings we might have gotten from the hearing.

On the other hand, what if it *is* real?  I heard Tim Pool say that it would be funny if, in 100 years, they talk about when humans first confirmed the existence of alien life back in 2023 that no one even cared because they were too preoccupied by other things. 😆 


Illustrious Member Admin
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So basically Grusch is saying he has overheard things, but that he can get evidence.  It seems like he has rolled back some of his previous comments that seemed like more first hand knowledge.  All I can say is that this is nothing more than a distraction at this point.  Guess who benefits from the distraction....rhetorical question btw...

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Phidippides reacted
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Interesting...I didn't hear that he walked back some statements.  You have to wonder if the limelight got to him and he wanted to drop the equivalent of "clickbait" on the American public.  I'm sure that conspiracy theorists will say that the government "got to him" with threats, and that's why he did it.  At this point, the conspiracy theorists have been on quite a run, so who knows what to believe at this point....

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