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The Road to Civil War 2024

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I think the benefit of Trump taking office is that the political right would be in control of the federal government if the system collapses in the near future.  This would be massive.  Even if the the Deep State were to subvert Trump's authority by not carrying out his orders in time of crisis/war, chances are that at least some people within the federal government (e.g. units of the military) would still obey him.  Further, if a coup were to be launched against him, it would make any usurper seem illegitimate.

Contrast this with a Biden re-election, in which the federal government would be squarely under the left's control, and it would be all the more difficult to usurp a dictatorial leftist ruler during such a time.  Much better to be in charge of the weapons at the time of collapse than be the one without.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Another article hyping civil war...


Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Now Maxine Waters says we could have a Civil War because of Trump's revenge rhetoric.


Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Seems like this narrative of Trump/his supporters stirring up potential violence is also being pushed by the media.  Not sure if this is just an attempt to sway the election or if it's being done to set the stage for Democrats to generate momentum for legislation or executive action targeting conservatives.

Illustrious Member Admin
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I think it is imperative for Conservatives and Patriots to not fall for the trap of inciting violence.  The Left will use violence on their side, but only as a tool to provoke; not to reform or correct social injustices. They want the Right to meet them in the streets so they can suspend elections or trigger Martial Law.  I believe they will do their utmost to keep Trump from retaking office.  As the Left becomes ever more desperate, it will abandon mere fearmongering in favor of more radical actions of malice and harm.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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I think you're pretty much correct here.  However, I think there is one thing the left still fear: the populace as a whole.  Because of this, I agree that the left would love for the right to react with violence, but in order to turn it into an election issue to sway the public to vote against Trump.  Think of how long the Democrats tried to drag out the J6 commission and force it into the limelight for a good two years or more after the riot. 

If the left pushes for martial law or suspends elections outright, it would look like a desperate autocratic trick to control an election, and too many people would see through it.  I don't think the media would be able to successfully spin that.

Instead, guilt is a powerful influence, and suburban moms would feel guilty if they knew voting for Trump would mean voting for "violent racists" who form the MAGA base.  

If I'm wrong, and the left did use MAGA rioting as an excuse to suspend the elections or declare martial law, then I think we'd basically be finished as a constitutional republic.

Illustrious Member Admin
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It all depends on how much they fear Trump potentially seeking all out revenge for the Lawfare they put him through.  They may plunge the nation into a constitutional crisis just to stave off Trump's special prosecutors.  Their window for planning is closing each passing day.  Soon they must act or brace themselves for the storm that is coming for them.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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To me it just seems like suspending an election would be the Democrats' "Crossing the Rubicon" moment.  You can't come back to democratic rule after that without some massive justification to make it legitimate in the eyes of the public. 

I know others have said the Democrats have put their chips all-in, but I don't think so.  They know they foiled Trump while he was in office last time, so I think they think they could do that again if need be.  Besides, Republicans in general wouldn't back Trump if he decided to aggressively prosecute Democrats if he were re-elected.  There are too many Neocons or Never Trumpers who would turn on him.

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Now Canada is prepping for a US Civil War.  Do they know something we don't?


Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Story originated in Politico though.  Always keep in mind that Politico is one of the gatekeepers of the media narrative, and the media narrative is always in favor of the left.  When I see stories like this in a mainstream outlet, I sometimes ponder which narrative is being advanced that helps increase leftist power.  While this article's bias didn't seem overly hostile, it seems to push the idea that civil war would be caused by aggression on the right.  This, in turn, generates support for future leftist crackdowns against the right in order to "save democracy".

Illustrious Member Admin
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The main thing to remember here, is that the Left is beating the drumbeat of Civil War.  They are using it as part of their political agenda as a distraction from what they are really trying to do...transform America into a fascist/socialist nation along with the destruction of the Republican Party and its MAGA components.  The good news is, most of us see what they are doing and are not falling for their trap of inciting violence so they can control the narrative that Conservatives are violent and are a threat to America.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Texas secessionists are working with other states...for what they hope to accomplish, I have no idea.


Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Alex Jones keeping the Civil War narrative alive....


Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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"Alex Jones warned the nation on Thursday that the global government is the only group which will benefit from a race-based civil war."

That some people would raise the possibility of a "race-based" civil war seems kind of preposterous to begin with, because that implies a misunderstanding of the current situation.  The competing interests are ultimately over ideology, not race, even if some racial issues have emerged as symptoms of the problem.  However, even the ideological camps aren't neatly defined.  For example, are the Marxists really aligned with the Neocons or the wealthy elites who may periodically side with both or neither of them?  Do populists backing Trump side with traditional conservatives, or with fringe racial separatists, or with libertarians?

If some people are trying to frame this as turning in to a potential race war, I think it either greatly misunderstands the political context we are in, or it is done to intentionally frame the situation in a certain way. 

Illustrious Member Admin
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The whole point is to keep the narrative alive that a Civil War is inevitable. It's fearmongering and framing the current reality in a way that benefits those who want to weaken America to the point it can fundamentally be changed into something else.  Whether it be Facism, Communism, Socialism, or a hybrid of the three, those who keep sounding the drums of Civil War, want an end to the Constitution because it is a hindrance to those who want the United States to become more like Western Europe.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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