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The USA isn't becoming Socialist...

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this country has gone full Nazi.  Conservatives and Trump supporters are the new Jews. They are being banned everywhere.  The media has gone full Goebbels.  With a lot of the public complicit or not caring about a stolen election, the lockdowns, or banning certain political views I can now understand why the average WWII German citizen, who knew what was going on, behaved the way they did.  And yes, they are just as bad and evil as the ones who turned the ovens on. Even if they were brainwashed by the media, that doesn't make them innocent.


Took my US flag down today off my house because we are no longer the USA.  If/when the war starts, it's not going to be the 2nd Civil War, it will be the 2nd American Revolution. 

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Amen brother.  We are on our own now.  The fact that I'm conservative, Christian, a Trump supporter, and a gun dealer puts me very high on the Left's (s)hit list.  Navigating what's coming is going to be tricky.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Very tricky indeed. Especially when it comes to communications.  Google and Apple just banned Parler. What's next?  Tattoos on the forearms of every Trump supporter?  In my opinion, the war has begun.

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Posted by: @skiguy

Very tricky indeed. Especially when it comes to communications.  Google and Apple just banned Parler. What's next?  Tattoos on the forearms of every Trump supporter?  In my opinion, the war has begun.

Indeed the war has begun.  The traitors have completed their treasonous crime and now Trump will close the trap on them all.  I don't believe Trump actually conceded.  I think he just bought himself some more time to avoid the 25th Amendment so that he can cite the Insurrection Act.  Well I am hoping anyway.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.

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Here's my take - I don't know if either of you will agree with me 100%.

  • I think there is circumstantial evidence that the 2020 election was not legitimate, but I simply cannot conclude that it was illegitimate for sure.  It defies common sense that a guy who could barely fill a parking lot could get more votes than Biden, but at the same time, I realize that the way Big Tech conspired with the Democrats could have been enough to persuade many people to vote for Biden.  Because of this, I think Biden probably did win (call me naive for retaining some confidence in official sources if you want), but there's doubt.
  • Nevertheless, it is clear that a Congressional investigation needs to be commenced because massive amounts of people perceive him to be illegitimate.  It needs to be bipartisan and very transparent.  Mueller had almost two years to investigate the claim that Trump conspired with Russia to throw the 2016 election, and that turned out to be false.  The right now fairly deserves its investigation.  If Biden truly wants to heal the nation, he would agree to this.
  • If the Democrats suppress a large-scale investigation, they will only exacerbate the response on the part of those who consider it illegitimate.  This will likely lead to growing resistance to the left, which now has power over two, and possibly three branches of government, in addition to control over Big Tech and more and more corporate boards that are succumbing to leftist pressure. 
  • Just as the Nazis used the burning of the Reichstag as a pretext to go after the opposition, Democrats will use resistance to their rule as an excuse to oppress their political opponents.  We're seeing this play out already.  False claims that Trump incited the violence at the Capitol have broadened to claims that people like Sen. Hawley and Sen. Cruz are "responsible" for the violence.  Why?  Because they dared to discuss claims of voter fraud when it came time to certify the vote (I will point out here that Democrats took similar measures in opposition to Bush in 2004 and Trump in 2016).  They have further broadened the "incited violence" claim to people like the wife of Clarence Thomas (I saw a woman with a PhD say that she should be imprisoned).

Those are my main points.  The response of the Democrats after Jan. 21 could get ugly.


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I also want to add some views about the storming of the Capitol as well.  My guess is there were thousands (tens of thousands?) of people at the rally and a few hundred were actually involved in violence.  Most of the violence seemed like ordinary scuffling with police, breaking of some windows, etc.  Not the most violent things we've seen in the last year, but the people who did that need to go.  Arrest them, book them - this is all on them, and they deserve the punishment coming to them.  Bad behavior is simply not acceptable.

The worst part was the deaths.  But people are blaming the GOP for the five "killed" that day, which makes it sound like carnage.  But did that happen?  When I looked into these deaths, it turned out that three people seem to have died of natural causes (stroke, heart attack, and an unknown medical emergency), one Trump supporter was shot by police (apparently trying to go through a barricaded doorway), and the last was an officer who was "hit in the head with a fire extinguisher". 

While all deaths are tragic, the only killing caused by the protestors was the officer.  It was horrible that someone did that, and that person must pay for the crime.

With that said, some things don't totally add up.  We're told this was an "insurrection", or "terrorism", but they didn't seem to bring any weapons.  Also, they were invited in by the police.  Is that how "insurrections" take place?


But the larger point is that the people engaging in bad, criminal behavior were only part of the group.  Even Alex Jones was telling people to remain peaceful.

In the end, a few hundred Trump supporters engaging in scuffles, and even fewer engaging in more serious criminal behavior, have allowed the left to smear all 75 million or so Trump supporters.  In contrast, last summer's BLM/Antifa rioting, which led to several dozens of deaths and up to $2 billion in damages, dwarfs what went on for a few hours on January 6.

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So math is now racist now.  https://money.cnn.com/2016/09/06/technology/weapons-of-math-destruction/index.html

Further proof that the USA is becoming the Fourth Reich.  See Deutsch Mathematik.  "to promote "German mathematics" and eliminate "Jewish influence" in mathematics" 

The sciences will be next.

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It is a dark time to be an American.  This too shall pass.

Even if Trump were to be revealed as the Dark Lord of the Sith, he's still better than the last four presidents we've had.



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