Last seen: Jul 12, 2022
A parent should have the freedom to let his 15 year old kid have an AR-15. It's up to the parent, not the government.
The way the narrative changes on this convinces me more that it was a false flag operation. He may be responsible for the shooting. My definition of ...
Massive civil unrest. I think it's gonna be a long, hot summer. Possible martial law before the 2022 elections.
It might work with people on the Right, which is why I think many are turning Independent or Libertarian, but Leftists are all about group think.
Yes. If it's not our NWO-pushing government doing this (my first choice) it's environmental activists. Insurance fraud has been brought up by some to...
Pretty good. That article hit on almost every Leftist point. I like how they tried to compare those who committed felonies to slavery.
Wish I never sold mine. Looking around for one in the $500-600 range if possible. Saw some cheaper ones but they were .22 Better hurry because RI is...
So you don't think morally depraved Democrats, who are angry about not being able to kill unborn children, would have no problem sacrificing a group o...
also Parkland. Didn't the cops delay their response there as well? I'm questioning everything lately. And, BTW, I always wondered what part of the...
Most of what I see in the reporting is "according to Ukraine authorities..." so I thnk it's all BS Russia's gonna eventually get what they want, and...
Absolutely yes!!!!! I like DeSantis, but sometimes he gets a little too much big government controllishy. Not a lot, but enough to cause concern.
This article is disgusting. Mark Meadows allegedly suggested Trump "signaled a positive view" about hang Pence. What's a positive view? Laughing ...
It's up to us to remove the RINO's. But there sure are a lot of them. Look at the attempt to censure Romney. The people are in overwhelming support...
I should have paid more attention to those conspiracy forums. They're all coming true now.
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