Tactical Discussion Boards

Honorable Member
Loaded Rounds: 1682
Joined: Aug 19, 2019
Last seen: Mar 15, 2025
Topics: 67 / Replies: 421
5 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 931
RE: Lamar Choked

He was directly responsible for 500+ yards of offense (360 passing, 140 rushing), so that hardly sounds like they found his Achilles' heal. I didn't ...

5 years ago
RE: Will There Be War With Iran Now?

I think Trump understands that war is a bad option on a number of levels. One of these levels is simply political. It would be all-consuming, potent...

5 years ago
RE: Who Wins The 2019 NCAA Football National Championship?

I am kind of surprised that they were matched up with Michigan in their bowl game, since Michigan always seems to ride its reputation beyond what it c...

5 years ago
RE: Merry Christmas From LegacyArmory.com!

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

5 years ago
RE: Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker

I haven't seen it, and don't really have any pressing desire to do so at the moment. Too many Star Wars spin-offs for me to handle, which degrades th...

5 years ago
RE: What Will Happen To Trump?

Wow. So I missed it on predicting that Trump wouldn't actually get impeached, but I was right on the mark with my characterization of what Pelosi was...

5 years ago
RE: What Will Happen To Trump?

@donaldbaker Is anyone ready for it? 😲 It will make the Kavanaugh hearing seem like a walk in the park. Just imagine what would happen if someth...

5 years ago
RE: For Your Viewing Pleasure - The Best Football Player On The Planet - Lamar Jackson

He's a lot better than I thought he would be. However, time will tell whether he's a QB who is effective long-term or just one of those flash-in-the-...

5 years ago
RE: Louisville Cardinals #1

The season is still young.

5 years ago
RE: Who Will Win The Democratic Presidential Nomination?

A month ago I thought Warren was about to pull away with it, but now it's not looking quite like that. Buttigieg has been climbing but wow would he b...

5 years ago
RE: Louisville Cardinals #1

Congrats! You were right. Duke fell to #10.

5 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 4086
RE: How Will The Hong Kong Protests End?

@donaldbaker Do you think it would really rip their nation apart?  I think the much liklier (but sad) result would simply be that the Chinese g...

5 years ago
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Legacy Armory